



A jQuery plugin that triggers a callback after all the selected/child images have been loaded. Because you can't do .load() on cached images.
$('#my-container').imagesLoaded( function( $images, $proper, $broken ) {
  // callback provides three arguments:
  // $images: the jQuery object with all images
  // $proper: the jQuery object with properly loaded images
  // $broken: the jQuery object with broken images
  // `this` is a jQuery object of container
  console.log( $images.length + ' images total have been loaded in ' + this );
  console.log( $proper.length + ' properly loaded images' );
  console.log( $broken.length + ' broken images' );
var dfd = $('#my-container').imagesLoaded(); // save a deferred object

// Always
dfd.always( function(){
  console.log( 'all images has finished with loading, do some stuff...' );

// Resolved
dfd.done( function( $images ){
  // callback provides one argument:
  // $images: the jQuery object with all images
  console.log( 'deferred is resolved with ' + $images.length + ' properly loaded images' );

// Rejected function( $images, $proper, $broken ){
  // callback provides three arguments:
  // $images: the jQuery object with all images
  // $proper: the jQuery object with properly loaded images
  // $broken: the jQuery object with broken images
  console.log( 'deferred is rejected with ' + $broken.length + ' out of ' + $images.length + ' images broken' );

// Notified
dfd.progress( function( isBroken, $images, $proper, $broken ){
  // function scope (this) is a jQuery object with image that has just finished loading
  // callback provides four arguments:
  // isBroken: boolean value of whether the loaded image (this) is broken
  // $images:  jQuery object with all images in set
  // $proper:  jQuery object with properly loaded images so far
  // $broken:  jQuery object with broken images so far
  console.log( 'Loading progress: ' + ( $proper.length + $broken.length ) + ' out of ' + $images.length );
