

Coding Horror: Top 6 List of Programming Top 10 Lists

Coding Horror: Top 6 List of Programming Top 10 Lists

{|| blog } » ppk on JavaScript (2) Events

{|| blog } » ppk on JavaScript (2) Events

另外一個 keyboard 的 accessability 重點是,可以被 keyboard focus 的元素只有 links,form fields,buttons 這四樣,這是個需要注意的事情,任何 keyboard-frientld event 或 script 都必須設定在這三種元素上面,例如在寫 mouseover 的鍵盤等價方案的時候,畢竟要可以被使用者按 tab 移動到,寫 event script 才有用…:p

另外就是 Microsoft model 把 event-handler function 當成一般 global function 來處理,也就是如果你用法四 attachEvent 來註冊事件時, event handler裡面的 this 指的是 window 而非發生事件的 object。(作者推薦 Dean Edward’s solution 可以fix)


Web Bug

Web bug - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Web Bug FAQ Chinese edition

A Web bug is an object that is embedded in a web page or e-mail and is usually invisible to the user but allows checking that a user has viewed the page or e-mail. One common use is in e-mail tracking. Alternative names are Web beacon, tracking bug, pixel tag, and clear gif. In honor of former Hewlett Packard Chairwoman Patricia C. Dunn, Web Bugs are sometimes known as PattyMail[1]. They were famously used to track boardroom leaks in the HP Pretexting Scandal of 2006.


Setting the “name” attribute in Internet Explorer » Semicolon

Setting the “name” attribute in Internet Explorer » Semicolon
Death to bad DOM Implementations ¬ Easy Reader

function createElementWithName(type, name) {
var element;
// First try the IE way; if this fails then use the standard way
if (document.all) {
element =
document.createElement('< '+type+' name="'+name+'" />');
} else {
element = document.createElement(type);
element.setAttribute('name', name);
return element;

IE版本的view generated source

Firefox下面要看到generated source,也就是Javascript動態產生出來的HTML,有firebug or Web Developer可以用,在IE下好險也有,
Web Accessibility Toolbar - Resources - Vision Australia

CamelCase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CamelCase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 照樣造句就是CSS的properties到Javascript都會寫成CamelCase的樣式,
也就是 background-color 寫成 target.backgroundColor = 'red'

CamelCase, camel case or medial capitals is the practice of writing compound words or phrases in which the words are joined without spaces and are capitalized within the compound. The term's name comes from the uppercase "bumps" in the middle of the compound word, suggestive of the humps of a camel.


hoamon's sandbox: CMClass: 微軟徵才試題

hoamon's sandbox: CMClass: 微軟徵才試題 - 題目很久以前就看過了,不過現在才搞懂是在問什麼。


Tsung's Blog | Mplayer 常見錯誤訊息修復

Tsung's Blog | Mplayer 常見錯誤訊息修復
修復 Requested audio codec family [mp3] (afm=mp3lib) not available. enable it at compilation 的步驟如下:

1. 開啟 Mplayer
2. 在 Mplayer 上按右鍵 選 Preferences
3. 切換到Codecs & Demuxer
4. 找到 Audio codec family 選擇"FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
5. 按OK
6. 完成


解決 Firefox 下載 RAR/torrent 的問題 at Gea-Suan Lin’s BLOG
將有問題站的 fetch.php 設定成 application/octet-stream 即可。