














因此,我們若想享受生活中的小幸福,一定要常常使自己有所不滿足,並且經歷那不滿足之苦,才會有滿足之甜。No pain no gain. 一樣的意思。




jquery essentials

=jQuery Structure=
//attribute selector

Deferred Object



Sleep (or how to hack your brain) + Dustin Curtis

Sleep (or how to hack your brain) + Dustin Curtis
Non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The most simple is the “Siesta” method, which includes just one nap in the day and then a huge chunk of sleep at night. Remarkably, adding just one nap during the day shaves an hour and forty minutes off your total sleep requirement.

cdto - Finder Toolbar app to open the current directory in the Terminal

cdto - Finder Toolbar app to open the current directory in the Terminal


To install "> cd to ..." copy it to your Applications folder, and then from the applications folder drag it into the Finder toolbar.

To use just click on it in the Toolbar and it will open the terminal window

To use with iTerm or X11/xterm, using the finder contextual menu "show package contents" and exchange the plugins in the Plugin/Plugin Disabled folders respectively. Next time you run "cd to" it should open with the correct application.

movist - Movie Player for Mac OS X based on QuickTime & FFmpeg

movist - Movie Player for Mac OS X based on QuickTime & FFmpeg


vlc player新版的沒辦法調整字型大小
via: VLC subtitles Preferencesparagon

enca -- detect and convert encoding of text files

enca -- detect and convert encoding of text files

brew install enca

[~/dev/google.code/project/subutil] $ enca
Traditional Chinese Industrial Standard; Big5
CRLF line terminators

[~/dev/google.code/project/subutil] $ enca -x UTF-8 < >
enca: Iconv conversion error on `/tmp/encaWvyWlGJf': Illegal byte sequence

不一定會成功, 比較可行的方式是 check 編碼後直接在 vlc player 把預設字幕編碼改掉


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[遊戲介紹]唐人街Chinatown @ 桌遊地圖室 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::













guard/guard - GitHub

guard/guard - GitHub

Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications (FSEvent / Inotify / Polling support).

tag: git hub watch guard



如果 brew install s3fs 不會過的話,
手動安裝fuse4x 之後再執行 brew intsall s3fs.


HTTP cookie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

HTTP cookie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Setting a cookie
Transfer of Web pages follows the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Regardless of cookies, browsers request a page from web servers by sending them a usually short text called HTTP request. For example, to access the page, browsers connect to the server sending it a request that looks like the following one:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1


The server replies by sending the requested page preceded by a similar packet of text, called 'HTTP response'. This packet may contain lines requesting the browser to store cookies:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: text/html
Set-Cookie: name=value
Set-Cookie: name2=value2; Expires=Wed, 09 Jun 2021 10:18:14 GMT
(content of page)


(content of page)
The server sends lines of Set-Cookie only if the server wishes the browser to store cookies. Set-Cookie is a directive for the browser to store the cookie and send it back in future requests to the server (subject to expiration time or other cookie attributes), if the browser supports cookies and cookies are enabled. For example, the browser requests the page by sending the server a request like the following:
GET /spec.html HTTP/1.1
Cookie: name=value; name2=value2
Accept: */*

This is a request for another page from the same server, and differs from the first one above because it contains the string that the server has previously sent to the browser. This way, the server knows that this request is related to the previous one. The server answers by sending the requested page, possibly adding other cookies as well.
The value of a cookie can be modified by the server by sending a new Set-Cookie: name=newvalue line in response of a page request. The browser then replaces the old value with the new one.
The term "cookie crumb" is sometimes used to refer to the name-value pair.[23] This is not the same as breadcrumb web navigation, which is the technique of showing in each page the list of pages the user has previously visited; this technique, however, may be implemented using cookies.
Cookies can also be set by JavaScript or similar scripts running within the browser. In JavaScript, the object document.cookie is used for this purpose. For example, the instruction document.cookie = "temperature=20" creates a cookie of name temperature and value 20.[24]

HttpOnly cookie

設定cookie時可以指定為 HttpOnly Cookie, 這個 cookie 無法被 javascript 讀出來 (ex: document.cookie)

The Will Will Web | 設定 Cookie 時可善用 HttpOnly 特性減低網站安全風險(XSS)

Cookie hijacking 是個很常見的 XSS 攻擊手法,大多是利用網站既有的 XSS 漏洞並透過 JavaScript 取得 documnet.cookie 資料,而 documnet.cookie 就包含所有你在該網頁所有可用的 Cookie 資料,但若你的網站程式在設定 Cookie 的時候有特別加上 HttpOnly 屬性,就可以進一步避免該頁的 Cookie 被 JavaScript 存取,也可保護使用者的 Cookie 不會偷走。

[Security] HTTP-only cookies
Vidar wrote an interesting article pointing me to HTTPOnly-cookies. Microsoft created this extension to the cookie standard, to allow servers to issue cookies with a special HttpOnly-flag. This flag makes the cookie inaccessible to javascript in supported browsers (currently only newer versions of IE supports this feature fully).

The set-cookie header looks like this:
Set-Cookie: USER=123; expires=Wednesday, 09-Nov-99 23:12:40 GMT; HttpOnly

HttpOnly - OWASP

HTML5 Canvas的Origin-Clean安全原則 - 黑暗執行緒

HTML5 Canvas的Origin-Clean安全原則 - 黑暗執行緒


在IE, Chrome或Safari上出現: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18
在FireFox則是冒出: 0x805303e8 (NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR)
原來,跟Cross-Site Scripting的限制一樣,HTML canvas也有其安全原則! 簡單來說,可想成每個canvas有個origin-clean旗標,一開始預設為true,一旦有下列任一情況發生時,origin-clean旗標即被設為false:

一旦canvas的orgin-clean旗標被設為false,此時若呼叫toDataURL()、getDataImage()或measureText()等方法,都會引發安全性錯誤[DOMException.SECURITY_ERR (18)]! 最簡單的例子,就是網站A網頁上的canvas,在drawImage時,引用了放在網站B的某個圖檔當作 src,則該canvas就無法再執行toDataURL()了!


(美美美) 直潭山登山步道導覽圖
銀河洞越嶺步道 @ 我的赤腳旅行‧My Barefoot Travel :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌
[台北新店].行啟紀念碑.屈尺道碣.礦工寮.和美山新步道.灣潭 (Tony的自然人文旅記第0807篇)
[新北市新店] .碧潭.和美山步道 (Tony的自然人文旅記第0832篇)

邪典電影 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

邪典電影 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

邪典電影(Cult Film)是指那些在小圈子內被支持者喜愛及推崇的電影,也可稱為非主流電影或另類電影。這種電影通常難以獲得小圈子外的大規模票房成功。它不是一種嚴格的電影類型,也不是一種電影風格。因為所處的地區不同,Cult Film的定義非常難下定論,例如香港的武俠片以及日本的特攝片尤其是怪獸系列,被歐美視為Cult Film,在當地則列入主流電影,廣範且成功得到商業利益。

Top Ten Cult Films, Then And Now - Santa Cruz News
1. THE BIG LEBOWSKI (1998) The movie that saved cult movies. Coming off hits Raising Arizona and Fargo, no one expected anything less than a slam dunk at the box office from the Coen brothers when Lebowski was released. But writer/directors the Coens had layered the movie so densely—packing it with circular dialogue, out-there characters and enough quotable lines for 10 movies—that audiences simply couldn’t digest it in one sitting in theaters.

The Big Lebowski disappeared quickly, and it wasn’t until movie geeks started watching the movie over and over that its sheer magnificence shone through. The Big Lebowski had such an effect on fans that in the early 2000s they started dressing in robes like The Dude and going to midnight screenings (full disclosure: I was one of them). Viewings were accompanied by White Russians and sometimes bowling (never on Shabbas).

Eventually, four duderinos started the now-legendary Lebowski Fests, wrote a book about it called I’m a Lebowski, You’re a Lebowski where they extensively quoted the movie’s cultists (full disclosure: I was one of them), and finally brought the original cast back together in New York for a reunion this month.

2. DONNIE DARKO (2001) The fact that this film flopped can’t be blamed entirely on the fact that it was released right after 9/11, or even that final cut was taken away from director Richard Kelly, resulting in a theatrical version that didn’t make sense. Even after the director’s cut restored the film’s logic with extensive backstory, people realized that this movie was just un-freakin’-believably weird.

But Donnie Darko’s creepy vision of a teenager either losing his mind or trapped in a time-travel nightmare hooked fans on home video. (Kelly is adamant that the sci-fi stuff in the film should be taken as real, and the director’s cut makes this way more obvious, but after many viewings of both I actually prefer the greater ambiguity of the theatrical version.) Jake Gyllenhaal’s performance as the title character is perfectly twisted, and Kelly’s use of the soundtrack is genius. The film’s current level of cult fame was best summed up in Campbell electro group the Limousines’ song “Very Busy People”: “That Donnie Darko DVD has been repeating for a week, and we know every single word.”

3. ANCHORMAN (2004) Loved by many, loathed by some, this first collaboration from producer Judd Apatow, director Adam McKay and star Will Ferrell eventually paved the way for their megahit Talladega Nights. But at the time, the mainstream found Anchorman puzzling, and audiences never gave it a chance.

It had that stupid Ron Jeremy–parodying subtitle “The Legend of Ron Burgundy,” and was filled with highly improvised, absurd and even nonsensical humor, not to mention an unrecognizable Paul Rudd (I still forget it’s him). What’s more, it is the kind of movie that makes you laugh maybe three or four times on first viewing, a little more often the second time through, and so on until it can have fans rolling in sheer anticipation of lines and news-anchor gang fights to come. Steve Carell recently named über-dolt Brick Tamland as his favorite character he’s ever played. He also loves lamp.

4. FIGHT CLUB (1999) In his great tell-all What Just Happened? , producer Art Linson remembers that Fox executives completely freaked out when they first saw the movie they had paid David Fincher to make out of Chuck Palahniuk’s book. The way he tells it, they were downright scared of the film and its Molotov cocktail of anti-consumerism, violence, anarchy and man boobs, and made it their mission to sabotage the success of their own movie.

But it quickly found an audience on DVD, with a whole generation of disaffected suburban white kids turning “I am Jack’s (fill in the blank)” into their own punk manifesto. Most fascinating to me is Fincher’s obsession with putting bizarre suicide attempts at the end of his films (he also did it in Se7en and The Game). His recurring message seems to be: In order to be free in the modern world, you have to be willing to give up everything, including your life. In any case, the finale, set to the Pixies’ “Where Is My Mind?,” is one of the most subversive and lyrical of any film ever.

5. AUDITION (1999) Japanese director Takashi Miike is a cult-movie machine. Ichi the Killer, Visitor Q and Gozu all have their followings, but Audition is the film that made movie geeks sit up and take notice. Ironically, it’s also his most simple and straightforward film.

The first hour is deceptively mundane, telling the story of a Japanese widower who is convinced to audition girls to be his new wife (using a nonexistent film role as cover). He picks the one who seems to be the sweetest and most submissive of all, Asami.

Of course, this is all a set-up for one of the nastiest third acts in the history of horror, and the film quickly became a favorite of both gorehounds and art-movie types with a strong stomach. Everybody else walked out (I first saw it at a mall in L.A. where most of the small audience really did). The last decade has seen a return to extreme filmmaking—from junk like August Underground to the incredible French film Inside—but nothing has had the power of Miike’s movie.

6. THE ROOM (2003) A brief history of The Room: Rejected by the studios, director Tommy Wiseau spends $6 million financing his own film, of which he is also the star. Critics barely even have time to rip it to shreds before it disappears from theaters.

Then, like so many cult films before it, it gets booked as a midnight movie. For six years, it plays once a month in L.A., and word of mouth spreads about this latest contender in the “worst film of all time” sweepstakes, a barely comprehensible melodrama driven not so much by its love-triangle plot as by non sequiturs and unintentionally hilarious dialogue.
Wiseau suddenly claims the unintentional humor was intentional. No one believes him. The movie goes on the road to sold-out screenings, beginning in New York. The two most famous WTF scenes—a rooftop conversation (“I did not hit her, I did not … Oh, hi Mark!”) and a scene where the guys throw around a football in tuxedos, go viral on YouTube, drawing even more barely suspecting victims to its midnight screenings.

Fans begin throwing plastic spoons at the screen (a reference to a framed picture of a spoon that Wiseau fixates on for no reason), inviting comparisons to the rabid cult of Rocky Horror Picture Show 30 years earlier. Wiseau’s performance alone—he comes across like a malfunctioning Christopher Walken android with a heavy, impossible to place accent—guarantees this will be a cult favorite for years to come.

7. MULHOLLAND DRIVE (2001) Throughout his career, David Lynch has basically made one cult film after another, his dream-state logic and hallucinogenic imagery never fully connecting with mainstream audiences. Whether it’s Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, TV’s Twin Peaks or Wild at Heart, his films were pretty much surefire cult stuff until the ’90s, when the Twin Peaks movie, some failed TV shows and Lost Highway turned even movie geeks off.

His comeback was this film, originally filmed as a TV movie, then reworked extensively to be a feature film after ABC execs rejected it. (Its history can be traced even further back, as Lynch has said it was born out of his ideas for a third season of Twin Peaks that never came about.) In retrospect, it’s easy to see that Lost Highway was basically a failed dry run for Mulholland Drive—it uses identical plot devices like characters with two different identities and nonlinear structures.

But with Mulholland Drive, possibly his best film, Lynch was able to prop up his mysterious storyline with an actual narrative solution, which was so subtly embedded in the film that most viewers didn’t catch it until the second or third viewings (anyone who never figured it out or wrote the movie off as nonsensical should google Lynch’s own 10 clues).

Of course, it’s not all about the destination—the journey through the world of Mulholland Drive is one of the most fascinating Lynch has ever devised, with Naomi Watts’ intense performance grounding the surreal surroundings.

8. WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER (2001) The people behind this movie claim it’s based on their actual experiences. If that’s even remotely true, summer camp may quickly replace drugs and gangs as the number-one threat to the youth of America.

In reality, this movie is an absurdist twist on the early-’80s films that tried to cash in on the success of Animal House by setting their teen hi-jinx at camp. (Yes, Meatballs, but also the much lesser-known Gorp, which like this movie is set at a Jewish summer camp).

Wet Hot American Summer throws in black comedy, Monty Python–type scenes like the most awesomely funny motorcycle chase ever, and insane plot threads like a talking can of vegetables and the threat of Skylab falling on Camp Firewood. Most critics and audiences didn’t get it, and despite a cast featuring Janeane Garofalo, David Hyde Pierce, Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks and Amy Poehler (not to mention the screen debut of The Hangover’s Bradley Cooper), it flopped big time. But it found a cult following on video and within a few years was making the midnight movie rounds.

9. HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE (2004) The little stoner movie that could. Written off by the uninitiated as braindead on arrival, those who actually gave this movie a chance were surprised to discover it’s actually a pretty sharp piece of social satire. Stars John Cho and Kal Penn deserve a lot of the credit for playing Harold and Kumar with charm and a certain innocence.

The other smart thing about Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle is that unlike bad stoner movies like Pineapple Express, it doesn’t overcomplicate things with unnecessary plot. This movie is, on a story level at least, about nothing but Harold and Kumar trying to find a White Castle. What they encounter along the way, like Neil Patrick Harris in the cameo that made him cool, is what makes the movie.

The cult for this got so big that there was a 2008 sequel, Harold & Kumar Escape From Guatanamo Bay, with a slightly bigger budget and a slightly bigger take at the box office. It satisfied cultists, leading to the upcoming A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas.

10. BLACK DYNAMITE (2009) The blaxploitation genre was deserted by the masses long ago; even Quentin Tarantino couldn’t do much for it with his tribute, Jackie Brown. Along comes musclebound actor Michael Jai White (best known for bits parts in Universal Soldier and The Dark Knight, and for starring in Spawn), who had an idea in 2006 for the ultimate blaxploitation badass, making a $500 trailer and co-writing a script with director Scott Sanders and co-star Byron Minns.

The humor is so deadpan and the attention to detail so perfect that it’s almost too easy to call Black Dynamite a spoof or even an homage—it’s more like an honest-to-god blaxploitation film with every element pushed to the point of absurdity. White’s portrayal of the Vietnam vet/ex-CIA title character is almost freakishly spot on, and the movie follows in the footsteps of Rudy Ray Moore’s Dolemite with its vision of an oversexed, superbad African American alpha male on a rampage.

The lines are endlessly quotable (“Why, Black Dynamite? Why?”), and even the little soul songs that describe the plot throughout the film are note-perfect. The movie was finally released in 2009, but only played in theaters for two weeks; it found a following at midnight screenings and on DVD. You can bet Tarantino has two copies.


1. BLADE RUNNER (1982) In three decades, the reputation of Ridley Scott’s best film has swung slowly from “unlovable big-budget sci-fi flop” to “the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.” No kidding, this is now the movie that every geek on the Internet seems to use to prove they have good taste in movies—the ultimate insult in a movie-related flame war goes something along the lines of “Well, I watch movies like Blade Runner and The Big Lebowski, you probably like Twilight.”

That’s a far cry from what people were saying in 1982, when it failed to be the blockbuster hit that everyone expected from the director of Alien and a leading man who had just played Han Solo and Indiana Jones. But critics and audiences found Scott’s vision of epic future-fail too dark, and Harrison Ford too cold and distant as android hunter Rick Deckard.
On home video though, there was time to watch every incredible detail of Scott’s dystopian Los Angeles in 2019 (it could still happen, people!) over and over. And now we know that Ford played the character that way to suggest that Deckard was himself an android (don’t argue, just give in to the red-eye and unicorn clues).

After exhausting the five-disc “Ultimate Collector’s” DVD (with all three cuts of the movie) and reading the making-of book, I can safely say there’s nothing about the story of this movie that hasn’t been told by now. And yet, there’s a mystical, more-than-the-sum-of-its parts quality to the film that continues to promise the revelation of new secrets with each repeat viewing. In other words, it is the ultimate cult movie.

2. THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (1975) This ranking doesn’t have much to do with the quality of the film: it is neither as life-alteringly amazing as its die-hard fans claim, or as abysmally awful as its critics say. It’s a fun, campy and, for its time, pretty edgy little genre mash-up that manages to pay tribute to musicals, monster movies and science fiction double features at the same time that it subverts their button-down moralizing. (Tim Curry as the cross-dressing Dr. Frank-N-Furter is the highlight of every scene he’s in.)
The simple truth is: There wouldn’t be cult films as we know them today without Rocky Horror Picture Show. It started the midnight movie craze and still brings out hordes of dressed-up, line-spewing, toast-chucking fanatics wherever and whenever it’s shown.

3. THIS IS SPINAL TAP (1984) There’s a reason why this is the most quoted cult film of all time. First-time viewers will latch on to the most obvious jokes—“these go to 11,” “none more black.”

But getting sucked into this mother of all mockumentaries is like going down the rabbit hole. By the third or fourth viewing, more subtle stuff like “mime is money” is starting to jump out, and by the 10th, completely buried jokes like the one about Boston: “I wouldn’t worry about it, though, it’s not a big college town.” To think that most of this dialogue was improvised is mind-blowing, although I was lucky enough to interview Michael McKean in character as David St. Hubbins, and I can attest that his improvised answers were as funny as anything in the film.

It’s also hard to believe it took so long to find an audience on video, although director Rob Reiner has said that the movie went over the heads of many people who thought Spinal Tap was a real band. Ironically, they did become one, with McKean and co-stars Christopher Guest and Harry Shearer “getting the band back together” for albums in 1992 and 2009, and touring.

4. NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1968) Every installment of Romero’s original zombie trilogy is an important cult film, but this one takes the cake because without it, we wouldn’t have the modern zombie movie. Before this, zombies were the stuff of quaint voodoo flicks, but Night of the Living Dead changed everything. It used the idea of the dead coming back to life to eat the living as a blank slate onto which the whole world could project its fears.

Endless big-brain theories sprung up to explain the film: Did the undead symbolize the oppressed proletariat? The revenge of the third world? And all this over a little black-and-white drive-in movie made for $140,000. Romero’s most brilliant move was making the zombies slow, lurching ghouls who overwhelm their prey with sheer numbers and relentless onslaught—they literally “crowd out” most of their victims. The ending is one of the most shocking in movie history, although I’ve never believed the official line that its racial overtones were unintentional. The scene may have, as Romero says, been written before African American Duane Jones was cast as Ben, but I guarantee everyone involved knew the message they were sending when they shot it.

5. MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL (1975) There’s a long-running debate among Monty Python fans as to which is their best film, Holy Grail or Life of Brian. But really, there’s no contest: Holy Grail is perfect, from the many scenes that could have been skits in their earlier TV series (“Bring out your dead,” the Bridge of Death, etc.) to the funny throwaway lines like “Someday, all this will be yours”… “What, the curtains?”

What’s most ingenious about it all is that, rather than trying to hide the absurdity of a poorly financed comedy troupe trying to pull off a medieval period piece, the Pythons play it up whenever possible. The characters don’t ride horses, they skip along while banging coconuts together to sound like hooves, and the epic moment of their discovery of Camelot is undercut by the dismissive “It’s only a model.” Graham Chapman is perfect as the beleagured King Arthur, who has to put up with mouthy peasants, rude French soldiers and a Black Knight who doesn’t know when to call it a day.

6. REPO MAN (1984) Though it’s now one of the iconic cult films of the ’80s, writer-director Alex Cox’s debut studio film came this close—more than once—to never being released at all. Cox, a UCLA film student at the time, wasn’t about to languish in development hell, however, and he gained his first real notoriety when he took out an ad in Variety daring Universal to make his movie. Still, he told me his midnight-movie favorite never would have seen the light of day if it hadn’t been for one man named Kelly Neal, who believed in it so much he kept shuttling it from one college campus to the next until it finally caught on. Neal lost his job at Universal because of it, but cult film fans got Emilio Estevez—pretty in punk before Pretty in Pink—as a young misfit who falls in with Harry Dean Stanton and a bunch of crazy repo men. They’re all on the trail of a mysterious 1964 Chevy Malibu that could be carrying aliens, a neutron bomb or time-machine technology. Along the way, Estevez learns the repo code, discovers the secret of air fresheners and sings classic punk tunes. It’s not as weird as it sounds, though. It’s much, much weirder.

7. PINK FLAMINGOS (1972) Chicken sex. Semen injections. Girl-on-girl vomit. Turd eating. Edith Massey. Those are just a few of the things that make Pink Flamingos the kind of movie that makes you want to take a shower after watching it.

The story of transvestite Divine’s quest to be “the filthiest person alive,” it’s got to be the most revolting film ever made. But its hour-and-a-half-long wallow in perversity and bad taste is exactly what made it so notorious, putting director John Waters on the map. When I interviewed him a few years ago, Waters marveled at how much things have changed since then, with Pink Flamingos playing on TV: “How can that be?” he pondered. “I mean, cable, but still.”

8. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (1974) It’s hard to imagine now what it was like for audiences to see TCM when it came out. Wes Craven told me that when he saw it in a theater shortly after it was released, he found it so shocking and insane that he thought it might have been made by some sick cult somewhere.

He wasn’t that far off, as the production of director Tobe Hooper’s meat-versus-steel nightmare was as terrifying as the film itself (Edwin Neal, who plays the hitchhiker, said after filming wrapped: “If I see Tobe Hooper again, I’ll kill him”).

Though John Carpenter’s Halloween gets all the credit/blame for starting the slasher-movie cycle, Hooper’s film had most of the key elements of the formula in place: a masked killer, a group of teens being picked off one by one in a series of bizarre murders and, most importantly, the “Final Girl” element that would come to be mandatory.

Perhaps it doesn’t get the recognition it deserves as a trendsetter because it’s so weird and surreal that it’s hard to group it in with other movies; there hasn’t been one quite like it before or since.

9. TAXI DRIVER (1976) When the people responsible for making one of the most important films of all time are on record publicly questioning whether it ever should have been made in the first place, you know you’re talking about a film that transcends the normal considerations of what makes a movie “good” or “bad.”

Nor is there any notion of good or bad to be found in Martin Scorsese’s film, a reflection of the murky moral universe Americans felt themselves adrift in during the post-Watergate years of the mid-1970s. Taxi Driver never loses its power to disturb because it has no exterior moral universe whatsoever; the only codes of behavior on the table come out of the inner workings of Travis Bickle’s brain, and it’s pretty spooky in there. Robert De Niro allegedly studied both taxi drivers and mental illness to prepare for the role; the movie ends up being about both and neither.

10. ERASERHEAD (1977) To paraphrase Laurence Fishburne in The Matrix: No one can be told what Eraserhead is. You have to see it for yourself. Made for $10,000 over five years of on-again, off-again production, David Lynch’s debut film is as unsettling now as it was three decades ago. Not since Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali collaborated on Un Chien Andalou in 1929 had there been a film whose surreal imagery tapped so directly into the viewer’s subconscious.

Eraserhead is uncomfortable viewing, and its most disturbing scenes (with the “baby,” for instance) are now the stuff of legend. But nothing is more revealing about this movie than the fact that the dream sequences are no weirder than those the characters experience in waking life. In Lynch’s world, there’s no such divide.




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利口酒 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书



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function check_compression {
local unzipped=`curl "$1" --silent --write-out "%{size_download}" --output /dev/null`
local zipped=`curl -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" "$1" --silent --write-out "%{size_download}" --output /dev/null`
echo "unzipped size: $unzipped, zipped size: $zipped"

telnet 80
GET /f/a/tw/js/flash_general_20090213.js HTTP/1.1

function yad_ad_090213(e,q,t,o,g,m,l,s,h,d,a){var f=window.location.href;if(e&&q&&t&&o&&g&&m&&l&&s&&h&&d&&a){if(typeof(this["yad_plugin_flash"+d])=="undefined"){var b=(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1)?true:false;var c=(navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win")!=-1)?true:false;var p=(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")!=-1)?true:false;yad_ControlVersion=function(){var v=-1,w,u;try{w=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.8");v=w.GetVariable("$version")}catch(u){}return v};yad_GetSwfVer=function(){var B=-1;if(navigator.plugins!=null&&navigator.plugins.length>0){if(navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"]||navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]){var y=navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"]?" 2.0":"";var x=navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"+y].description;var w=x.split(" ");var v=w[2].split(".");var A=v[0];var u=v[1];if(w[3]!=""){yad_tempArrayMinor=w[3].split("r")}else{yad_tempArrayMinor=w[4].split("r")}var z=yad_tempArrayMinor[1]>0?yad_tempArrayMinor[1]:0;var B=A+"."+u+"."+z}}else{if(b&&c&&!p){B=yad_ControlVersion()}}return B};yad_getVerNum=function(v){if(v==-1){return v}else{if(v!=0){if(b&&c&&!p){yad_tempArray=v.split(" ");yad_tempString=yad_tempArray[1];yad_versionArray=yad_tempString.split(",")}else{yad_versionArray=v.split(".")}var x=yad_versionArray[0];var u=yad_versionArray[1];var w=yad_versionArray[2];return x}else{return -1}}};var k=yad_GetSwfVer(),n=yad_getVerNum(k);this["yad_plugin_flash"+d]=false;if(n>=d){this["yad_plugin_flash"+d]=true}}var r="",j="clickTAG";for(i=0;i<e.length;i++){i==0?r+=j+"="+encodeURIComponent(e[i])+"&yad_time="+h+"&yad_page="+encodeURIComponent(f)+"&":r+=j+i+"="+encodeURIComponent(e[i])+"&yad_time="+h+"&yad_page="+encodeURIComponent(f)+"&"}this["yad_plugin_flash"+d]?document.write('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="'+m+'" height="'+l+'" id="adbn_swf_'+g+'" ><param name="movie" value="'+q+'" /><param name="wmode" value="'+s+'" /><param name="loop" value="true" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="'+a+'" /><param name="flashvars" value="'+r+'" /><embed src="'+q+'" loop="true" wmode="'+s+'" quality="high" name="adbn_swf_'+g+'" width="'+m+'" height="'+l+'" flashvars="'+r+'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="'+a+'"></embed></object>'):document.write('<a href="'+t+'" target="_blank"><img src="'+o+'" width="'+m+'" height="'+l+'" border="0" /></a>')}}function yad_showAd_090213(){if(yad_pos.lastIndexOf("%")!=-1){yad_pos="yad"}if(yad_url&&yad_swf&&yad_aurl&&yad_aimg&&yad_pos&&yad_w&&yad_h&&yad_wmode&&yad_time&&yad_ver&&yad_allowscript){yad_ad_090213(yad_url,yad_swf,yad_aurl,yad_aimg,yad_pos,yad_w,yad_h,yad_wmode,yad_time,yad_ver,yad_allowscript)}}yad_showAd_090213();var yad_flash_lib_loaded_090213=true;

telnet 80
GET /f/a/tw/js/flash_general_20090213.js HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:27:01 GMT
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Age: 594506
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Connection: keep-alive
Server: YTS/1.20.4

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Connection closed by foreign host.

openssl s_client -connect -state

GET /foo/javascripts/bar.js?0.0.26 HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

curl -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate"

How to Change the Default Email Client on Mac OS X

How to Change the Default Email Client on Mac OS X

1. Launch Apple Mail (
If you've not set up Mail, set up a dummy POP, IMAP, or Exchange account (it will try and verify, get an error, but still allow you to continue). Keep filling in information and hitting continue until you can get to the next step:
2. Go to Mail > Preferences in the menu.
3. Click on "General" tab.
4. In the "Default Email Reader" pull-down menu, choose Select, browse to the email client application you want to use, highlight it and click "Select".
5. Close the Preferences dialog box.


困境與抉擇 清大動機所彭明輝教授

困境與抉擇 清大動機所彭明輝教授

















Bootstrapping hashtagify pro: How I doubled my workweek productivity

Bootstrapping hashtagify pro: How I doubled my workweek productivity

But a week ago I read a comment on HN (edit: thanks to raju in the comments for pointing me to the exact link) that inspired me to rethink how I’m organizing myself , and with one simple change I doubled my productivity on workdays. How? Instead of working on hashtagify at nights, after getting home from my day job, I’m starting my day two hours earlier, and doing 2 hours of programming in the morning, before going to work.

I’m usually a night person, and have always been very productive at nights, since when I was just a student. But after eight hours of work, it is difficult to have that kind of focus that you need to program, and the two (or two and a half) hours in the morning have been much more productive than the equivalent time in the evening.

After coming home I still do some lighter work, and don’t go to bed without having scheduled a task to do the next morning; this way when I wake up I don’t have to think what to do and I can be immediately productive.
yeah, my brain works really well after the run because it's full of fresh blood and oxygen. Seriously mate, 20 minutes of work in the morning after a run is better than 2 hours of work in the evening when I'm tired ... no exaggeration.
I hate running and exercise in general, but I promised myself I would do anything to get my company going, and anything includes things I dont want to do, so I force myself :)
Bonus points: Since I started running 6 or so months ago I have lost 28kg!

Try to get to bed at 9pm :) +- 30 mins


名律師挑最棘手的先做 從容管好兩岸200位律師

名律師挑最棘手的先做 從容管好兩岸200位律師













Seashore - open source image editor for Mac OS X

Seashore - open source image editor for Mac OS X

Seashore is an open source image editor for Mac OS X's Cocoa framework. It features gradients, textures and anti-aliasing for both text and brush strokes. It supports multiple layers and alpha channel editing. It is based around the GIMP's technology and uses the same native file format.
However, unlike the GIMP, Seashore aims to serve the basic image editing needs of most computer users, not to provide a replacement for professional image editing products. Also, unlike GIMP, Seashore has an all-new Cocoa UI that will fit right in on Mac OS X.

活着的三个理由 - 阮一峰的网络日志

活着的三个理由 - 阮一峰的网络日志


第一个理由是"追求爱情"(longing for love)。

第二个理由是"追求知识"(search for knowledge)。

第三个理由是"同情心"(pity for the suffering)。


Fw: [分享] 雙重等待 - 看板 GFonGuard - 批踢踢實業坊

Fw: [分享] 雙重等待 - 看板 GFonGuard - 批踢踢實業坊






當兵與站崗是種「雙重等待」(Double Waiting)的過程,沒有哪一方「一定」比較辛苦。
(J. J. Cameron & Ross, 2007; Knobloch, 2005; Lydon, Pierce, & Oregan, 1997;
Solomon & Knobloch, 2004),也使得等待變得漫長而煎熬。


(Morry, Kito, & Ortiz, 2011; Singh, 2011),
並掙扎於其他的追求者(alternative)與道德考量之間(Lydon, et al., 1997)。





(Brehm, Miller, & Perlmam, 2010)。



(Oria, Collins, Simpson, Salvatore, & Kim, in press)


(Shelton, Trail, West, & Bergsieker, 2010)。

(J. Cameron, Holmes, & Vorauer, 2009; Canevello & Crocker, 2010)。


距離與軍旅所造成的最大隔閡,就是減少了共通話題(Common Topic)。
(Furma, Brown, & Feiring, 2010)。







(Le, Korn, Crockett, & Loving, 2011)。


hello world

hello world says:

blah blah

Andrzej on Software: Rails is not MVC

Andrzej on Software: Rails is not MVC

OK, so what's the difference?

In short, we're talking about MVC when a model can notify (through the Observer pattern) the views about the changes. It's not possible in a classical Rails app (it's possible when you use WebSockets, Pusher or a similar technology, but it's not so popular yet.). MVC was popular in desktop apps.

On the other hand, Model2 is exactly what we do with Rails. We don't notify the views from the model, the controller simply passes the model data to the views and handles the html generation which is then sent to the browser.

There's an interesting pattern evolving recently that a Rails app simply serves as a backend for a mobile app and all it does is exposing a JSON/REST API. It's similar to Model2, but instead of generating HTML it generates JSON. Still, it's not MVC.

You can read more about UI architectures in this article by Martin Fowler

Model 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On The Importance Of Playing

On The Importance Of Playing

But when it came time to do some research. I couldn't get to work. I was a little tired; I was not interested; I couldn't do research! ...

And then I thought to myself, "You know, what they think of you is so fantastic, it's impossible to live up to it. You have no responsibility to live up to it!"...

Then I had another thought; Physics disgusts me a little bit now, but I used to enjoy doing physics. Why did I enjoy it? I used to play with it. I used to do whatever I felt like doing - it didn't have to do with whether it was important for the development of nuclear physics...

So I get this new attitude ... I'm going to play with physics, whenever I want to, without worrying about any importance whatsoever.
Within a week I was in the cafeteria and some guy, fooling around, throws a plate in the air. ...

I had nothing to do, so I start to figure out the motion of the rotating plate...
And before I knew it (it was a very short time) I was "playing" - working, really - with the same old problem that I loved so much, that I had stopped working on when I went to Los Alamos; my thesis-type problems; all those old-fashioned wonderful things.
It was effortless. It was easy to play with these things. It was like uncorking a bottle: Everything flowed out effortlessly. ...

There was no importance to what I was doing, but ultimately there was. The diagrams and the whole business that I got the Nobel Prize for came from that piddling around with the wobbling plate.

MVC Architecture for JavaScript Applications

MVC Architecture for JavaScript Applications

Real MVC

In a nutshell the classic MVC architecture work like this. There is a model that is at the heart of the whole thing. If the model changes, it notifies its observers that a change occurred. The view is the stuff you can see and the view observes the model. When the view is notified that the model has changed, the view changes its appearance. The user can interact with the view (e.g. clicking stuff) but the view doesn’t know what to do. So the view tells the controller what the user did and assumes the controller knows what to do. The controller appropriately changes the model. And around and around it goes.

This description is probably a nice summary for those who already understand the MVC architecture but it is way too short for someone who doesn’t know it already. Describing all the ins and outs of MVC is a task I’m not going to attempt in full. I will do three things:

Recommend the books I found that explain MVC well.
Describe some tips about MVC for JavaScript web applications in particular that I have found helpful.
Provide a complete example.


Changing the transparency of terminal in Mac OS Leopard

Changing the transparency of terminal in Mac OS Leopard

Go to Terminal -> Preferences, Window tab, Background Color and change the opacity to whatever you like. The window will change as you change the percentage of opacity.




最後推薦一下卡牌屋台北店的新店面,在Kmall 25樓,很舒適


7 wonders (2.2)
Santiago (2.5)
Puerto Rico (3.3)
Caylus (3.8)
Small World (2.3)
Nuns on the run (2.1)
Power grid (3.3)
Dream Factory (2.1)
RA (2.4)
Cargo Noir (2.0) 這遊戲我沒聽過,是今年出的新遊戲......
Betrayal at the house on the hill (2.2)
Endeavor (2.9)
Factory Manager (3.0)
Ticket to Ride Europe (2.0)
Race for the Galaxy (2.9)
Tigers & Euphrates (3.6)
星杯傳說 (?)

隱藏版美食 ~榆小舖@景美

隱藏版美食 ~榆小舖@景美



Master the Linux bash command line with these 10 shortcuts | TechRepublic

Master the Linux bash command line with these 10 shortcuts | TechRepublic

4. Use key shortcuts to efficiently edit the command line
bash supports anumber of keyboard shortcuts for command-line navigation and editing. The Ctrl-A key shortcutmoves the cursor to the beginning of the command line, while the Ctrl-E shortcutmoves the cursor to the end of the command line. The Ctrl-W shortcutdeletes the word immediately before the cursor, while the Ctrl-K shortcutdeletes everything immediately after the cursor. You can undo a deletion with Ctrl-Y.

8. Perform calculations
bash can performsimple arithmetic operations at the command prompt. To use this feature, simplytype in the arithmetic expression you wish to evaluate at the prompt withindouble parentheses, as illustrated below. bash will attemptto perform the calculation and return the answer.

bash> echo $((16/2))

Ask HN: I am wasting so much of time, what can I do?

StayFocusd - Chrome plugin

1. There's also a StayFocusd[1] plugin for Chrome which will block sites for you.
2. Also try Crackbook [1] for Chrome which delays pages instead of banning them. Works much better for me that Stayfocusd, which I just disable after a while. (Disclaimer: I am the author.)
3. Soundtracks from RTS games (ex: starcraft) can create a sort of Pavlovian Response, telling your brain "You are sitting at a computer carrying out a difficult task which takes a good deal of focus and mental exertion. This activity is fun and rewarding, and it is urgent that you do it as well and as quickly as possible."
4. ust use the headphones without music to only get the wins from this. It's not like anyone except you can tell the difference
5. Get a second device, like a tablet, which you use for surfing, reading, and leisure. Your laptop is no longer for that. It's exclusively for producing and for serious work.
6. Get rid of your TV if you have it. Completely. That's really just a senseless time-sucker and you won't miss it within a week.
7. Babysteps, babysteps, babysteps. Taken from today's Hacker News: "I can not emphasize how important baby steps are. They are the key to avoiding fatal frustration. I have a law that helps define the size of subtasks: DO NOT EVER LEAVE THE COMPUTER IF YOUR PROGRAM DOES NOT RUN."

- Fighting your urge to "procrastinate" all day long leads to lots of decision fatigue that will make everything just worse: . The best way around this is to create habits, as they will get you on autopilot through difficult procrastination situations within a month. Some great thoughts on this from Leo Babauta: My personal take on this: The key is starting out VERY slow (one habit a month at the most) and keeping your expectations really low. The habit itself needs to survive through all times and is more important than the actual outcome. Example from me: I do exercises right before showering, but the least I do is 5 pushups. That sounds like nothing, and actually it isn't but I do them no matter what - drunk, late, sad, happy. Habits will eventually carry you through everything, but you just stick to them. Suggestions for you: Not reading e-mail after or before a certain time, turning of the computer completely at a certain time. Stuff like that.
- Building on that, affirmations and meditation are extremely powerful as a habit too. I've written an article on this if you're interested:
- Gym and sports definitely helps your willpower, as long as you don't discover another way of procrastination in there. It can happen ;-)
- Knowing what you really want. Maybe you know already (I certainly did), but you're too scared and unfocused to really take action. If you're too scared, watch this: If you're too unfocused, read this: Anyway, know what you wanna do and where you're going.
- All these things helped me in a way, but the final piece for me comes here as promised. I've had a huge fight with my wife for all kinds of reasons related to my procrastination, and she told me something I've never forgot. I've distilled the essence of what she told me on a paper and I read it every night. Here it is, for you all to read:
"Every time I pray, I feel you falling down this black hole, but I cannot help you. Only YOU can do it. No amount of reading or games or [insert your timesucker here] can fill that emptiness inside of you. So don't do stuff out of an impulse. Do it conciously. Whatever you do, choose to do it and accept the consequences. Don't be guilty about anything anymore - just accept that you made your choice and be responsible. There's no need to lie to yourself. It's just ok. Live, breathe, be gentle. There is one and one way only out of the frustration, anger and depression: Accept your choices. Love yourself. Leave the guild behind and FOLLOW YOUR HEART".

Pomodoro Technique
1. Choose a task to be accomplished
2. Set the Pomodoro to 25 minutes (the Pomodoro is the timer)
3. Work on the task until the Pomodoro rings, then put a check on your sheet of paper
4. Take a short break (5 minutes is OK)
5. Every 4 Pomodoros take a longer break
Pomodoro Technique book

Org - an Emacs Mode for Notes, Project Planning, and Authoring

via: Ask HN: I am wasting so much of time, what can I do?

「好文分享」蔣勳:過得像個人,才能看到美 - 點石成金 文創志業 自費出版的領航者 - udn部落格

「好文分享」蔣勳:過得像個人,才能看到美 - 點石成金 文創志業 自費出版的領航者 - udn部落格



























出處: 「好文分享」蔣勳:過得像個人,才能看到美 - 點石成金 文創志業 自費出版的領航者 - udn部落格




Said whenever a nerd makes a post that is too long to bother reading.
"omg you postwench. i can only say one thing in response - tl;dr"
"tl;dr...why dont you give up on your unabridged edition of War and Peace or at least stop posting it here?"

Too Long; Didn't Read

Literally translates to: That was too long to read.
Really translates to: I'm too lazy to read the entirety of what you said, but I still want to say something.

Now, instead of just dropping capitals the modern internet communicator

curl网站开发指南 - 阮一峰的网络日志

curl网站开发指南 - 阮一峰的网络日志

阮一峰 整理

  301 Moved Permanently

Moved Permanently


The document has moved here.

  curl -o [文件名]
  curl -L
-i参数可以显示http response的头信息,连同网页代码一起。
  curl -i
  HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently
  Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 23:44:10 GMT
  Server: Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
  Cache-Control: max-age=3600
  Expires: Sun, 04 Sep 2011 00:44:10 GMT
  Vary: Accept-Encoding
  Content-Length: 231
  Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
  Age: 3239
  X-Cache: HIT from
  Connection: close
  301 Moved Permanently

Moved Permanently


The document has moved here.

-I参数则是只显示http response的头信息。
-v参数可以显示一次http通信的整个过程,包括端口连接和http request头信息。
  curl -v
  * About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
  * Trying connected
  * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
  > GET / HTTP/1.1
  > User-Agent: curl/7.21.3 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.21.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8o zlib/ libidn/1.18
  > Host:
  > Accept: */*
  * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
  < HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently
  < Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2011 00:42:39 GMT
  < Server: Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
  < Location:
  < Cache-Control: max-age=3600
  < Expires: Sun, 04 Sep 2011 01:42:39 GMT
  < Vary: Accept-Encoding
  < Content-Length: 231
  < Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
  < X-Cache: MISS from
  < Connection: close
  301 Moved Permanently

Moved Permanently


The document has moved here.

  * Closing connection #0
  curl --trace output.txt
  curl --trace-ascii output.txt
  curl --data "data=xxx"
  curl --data-urlencode "date=April 1"


  curl --form upload=@localfilename --form press=OK [URL]
有时你需要在http request头信息中,提供一个referer字段,表示你是从哪里跳转过来的。
  curl --referer
八、User Agent字段
iPhone4的User Agent是
  Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7
  curl --user-agent "[User Agent]" [URL]
  curl --cookie "name=xxx"
至于具体的cookie的值,可以从http response头信息的Set-Cookie字段中得到。
有时需要在http request之中,自行增加一个头信息。--header参数就可以起到这个作用。
  curl --header "xxx: xxxxxx"
  curl --user name:password
  * Using cURL to automate HTTP jobs
  * 教你学用CURL


送給新鮮人的 7 項建議 – MMDays

送給新鮮人的 7 項建議 – MMDays

我一直很喜歡 Tim O’Reilly 的一句話: “Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You have to pay attention to money, but it shouldn’t be about the money. (金錢就像旅程中開車時的汽油一般,你需要注意金錢的狀況,但是整個旅程的意義本身跟金錢無關)”。擁有好的金錢價值觀可以讓你生活更舒適一點,這裡說的舒適不是說,你要住豪宅,開名車,而是指心靈跟生活上的輕鬆。也就是說你生活不需要特別憂慮明天有欠誰錢? 下一餐的著落在哪邊? 因此可以有時可以恣意地輕鬆地喝個下午茶,做做自己感興趣的東西。所以,你得學會控制住自己的慾望,並且瞭解到自己真正的渴望是什麼。如果不瞭解自己,那麼你可以先從記帳開始,透過每天的開銷來認識你自己。理財並不複雜,你只要記得最基本的原則: 永遠讓你的淨收入大於你的淨支出。其他的都是次要的。

在一個群體當中,最困難的事情就是維持獨立思考。因為你永遠不想當個團體中的異類,當大家要去唱 KTV 時,你也遷就著;當大家要去夜衝時,你也遷就著。於是你的時間就這麼蹉跎了,重點是,這個蹉跎的時間還不是為了你自己想要達成的夢想。當然,你會這麼做,正是因為你還沒搞清楚你想要做什麼。所以,常常會有這個狀況: 人家說你數學不好,你就拼命補數學;人家說你體育差,你是不是也跟人家一起去練習跑步? 不過,你可以選擇每天悠閒地慢跑,但是你知道你的目標不是為了田徑競賽,而是你喜歡那種有節奏的步伐,乘著微風的感覺;你知道你要學習數學,是因為你至少每天得用到基本的加減乘除,來解決生活上面所遇到的基本計算,這跟你的考試一點關係也沒有。瞭解到自己是多麼地與眾不同,總比盲目地跟隨著群體運動來得好多。

你要理解這個樣子的事實,人生無論如何怎麼樣都不可能重來。你可能會犯錯,你可能會跌倒,不過那又怎麼樣? 重點是,你從你之前的人生中到底悟到了什麼! 多一步或是少一步,你都不可能是現在的你。所以,好好地接受你的過去,就代表你能好好地接受現在的你;這也代表著,你將能夠從你之前的經驗挖掘出寶貴的東西。如果你無法接受,甚至正視你自己,那麼寶箱在你前面,沒有開啟也是徒然。世界,是在你的腦裡面,不是在你的腦外面;瞭解到這一點,你的世界就很容易改變了。除此之外,為了讓你的人生不要可惜了、遺憾了,該做什麼的時候,就做什麼。緣分是很難得的,可以跟父母開開心心地聊上一個下午或晚上的時光會在單向道上消失的;可以跟好友一起瘋狂、一起努力的時光會在單向道上消失的;可以跟戀人一起擁抱、一起牽手的時光會在單向道上消失的。重點不是你失去了什麼、得到了什麼,重點是你怎麼樣經歷了這些什麼。人生難得,人生中最重要的事情就是人生,其它的,都是次要的。最後,如果可以的話,儘量讓你的單行道長一點,因為精彩的總是在後邊。


scroll and fixed

網頁上常見的特效: 捲動到某個地方後, 頁面的 element 就會dock 在頁面的上方, 可以用在比較長的表單, 作法就是去算doucment.scrollTop 到了預設的地方之後把 element 設成 {poistion:fixed, top:0}






1. 史帝夫.賈伯斯2005年史丹佛大学畢業演講

2. J.K.羅琳2008年哈佛大學畢業演講

3. 蘭迪.鮑許教授的最後一次演講

How GitHub Works

How GitHub Works

Hours are bullshit
Hours are great ways to determine productivity in many industries, but not ours. Working in a startup is a much different experience than working in a factory. You can’t throw more time at a problem and expect it to get solved. Code is a creative endeavor. You need to be in the right mindset to create high-quality code.

Think back to the last time you were depressed or angry. How productive were you? Now think back to the last time you were truly productive. Code flying from your fingertips. Not just the sheer quantity- the sheer quality of that code. When you’re in the right mindset, your best day of coding can trump weeks of frustrated keyboard-tapping.

We want employees to be in the zone as often as possible. Mandating specific times they need to be in the office hurts the chances of that. Forcing me in the office at 9am will never, ever get me in the zone, but half of GitHub may very well work best in the morning.

By allowing for a more flexible work schedule, you create an atmosphere where employees can be excited about their work. Ultimately it should lead to more hours of work, with those hours being even more productive. Working weekends blur into working nights into working weekdays, since none of the work feels like work.

Be Asynchronous
GitHub didn’t have an office for the first two years. Chat rooms (in our case, Campfire) is where things got done. Today we’ve moved into our second office, and Campfire is still where we get things done.

NodeJS – The what, why, how and when | Xebia Blog

NodeJS – The what, why, how and when | Xebia Blog

What is NodeJS?

The NodeJS five-word sales pitch from their own website is “Evented I/O for V8 Javascript”. We’ll get to what that means exactly in the How. NodeJS, in a few more words, is a server-side application framework with a focus on high concurrent performance. Applications written for Node run in a single-threaded, event-based process.

Event-based programming approaches this in a different matter. When calling the blocking operation, you pass it an additional argument: a block of code to execute when the operation has completed. Instead of waiting for a reply from the user or the database, the application continues its execution.

Why evented I/O? The short answer: Latency.

What does this mean? Effectively, it means that classic, blocking processes twiddle their thumbs for 41,000,000 CPU cycles while waiting for something from disk to load. Those processes can’t do anything else while they twiddle their thumbs, so in the case of a webserver, other requests get paused until the application has received its data.

The classic solution for this problem: Add moar processes. When one process twiddles its thumbs waiting for data, the other process can take over and handle the next request. With 200 processes available for handling requests, consumers never have to wait long in the queue for their request to be handled by the next freed process.

But it has its limits. Hard limits, even, which have been the source of many outages in the past. What if there’s a big delay on the network for whatever reason? What if there’s more new requests coming in per second than the database can process? The 200 processes each block once they reach the point where they retrieve data from the network, and once they’re all occupied, the webserver simply stops serving requests, users time out, and Twitter trends with messages like “IS #SOMESITE.COM DOWN? #FML”.

How does Node solve this? Well, to put it simply, it doesnt’t twiddle its thumbs. It goes ‘Alright underlying system, give me this information from the network. I’ll go do something useful, lemme know when you’re done aight? Aight.’ And then it proceeds to do something useful, like handle the next request.

It’s the ‘lemme know when you’re done’ that contains the core of NodeJS’s performance. Instead of waiting for something to be retrieved (blocking), it continues to run (non-blocking). No precious CPU cycles get wasted that way waiting.

Because it doesn’t block, there’s also a greatly reduced need for running multiple processes. It just keeps going, regardless of how many requests it has to handle. When it receives a bazillion requests, it doesn’t run out of processes or some other arbitrary limit, it just handles each one, one by one. It handles each event as it’s triggered, one at a time, and it does so very rapidly.

It’s like ordering food. You step up to the counter of your local fast food store, and order a hamburger. Classically, you stand there and wait until the chef is done and the person serving gives you your order, while others queue up neatly behind you. In the multi-threaded approach, the store hires more serving personnel and chefs that can each handle one customer at a time.

In the non-blocking approach, the servant smiles, says “Alright sir, please pick a seat, your order will be brought to you when it’s done. Next!”. And so it continues. The servant passes the order to the kitchen, the kitchen prepares your burger, and a pretty serving girl brings you your hamburger when it’s done. The queue passes the counter quickly, because everything the servant does is take the people’s order and pass it along.

If only fast food stores actually worked like this.

Why Javascript?

First, event handling, callbacks and asynchronous behavior are at its core. It’s been used in this fashion for years in its natural habitat, the browser. Opening a file or network resource and passing that method a callback isn’t that different from triggering an AJAX-call with a callback – in fact, it’s exactly the same. The browser is inherently asynchronous, as pretty much every piece of logic relies on user input, network I/O, or something simpler as a timed event – each of those would block the execution of the script if it was done with blocking operations, and that’s the last thing you want in a user-experience heavy application like a webbrowser.

Event handling is at the core of both Javascript as a language and as a way of thinking for Javascript developers, which is another important reasoning behind using Javascript: It’s familiar to many developers. Javascript is a bit of a ninja amongst programming languages – most people don realize it’s one of the most-used programming languages out there. Its popularity has boosted significantly over the last decade, with the rise of AJAX, highly interactive and responsive web applications, streaming updates, and big companies like Google pushing web applications as a primary platform for all kinds of applications.

Why single-threaded?
The advantages of a single-threaded application is that the processor doesn’t have the overhead of context switching (when one thread gets CPU time while the other’s paused). There’s no heap allocations or forks or startup sequences that need to be done when creating a new thread. Besides that, there’s of course the obvious advantage of not needing to program with concurrency in the back of your head. Less headache, less hard-to-track bugs, less specific knowledge and understanding needed, etc.

But what about modern-day hardware? The mainstream CPU builders don’t build single-core processors anymore, it’s all fancy dual-, quad-, hexa- and octacores these days, with even more cores and special-purpose components to be added in the nearby future.

Well, that’s not a problem. Whilst a Node program is single-threaded, there’s nothing stopping you from creating multiple Node processes and running them side-by-side, each using a single core. Put a loadbalancer or reverse proxy like nginx in front of it , either on the same server or externally, and you’re done. You could even use another Node process as a loadbalancer. Of course, you’d have to be using a back-end storage system that can handle concurrent requests (i.e. from multiple Node processes) in order to be able to do that.

But V8 can also run outside of the browser, and, being an open source project, has been extended to create NodeJS. Node adds a thread pool (using libeio), event loop (libevent), and fancy things like DNS resolving and cryptography.

On top of that are a bunch of Node bindings for I/O (sockets, HTTP, etc).

Finally, a standard library to do pretty much everything you need written in pure Javascript is built on top of that. Have a picture:

With that out of the way, here’s a few use cases Node can be used for and can excel at:

Generic web framework. It’s got all the things you need – server-side logic, connectors for back-end systems (like databases), file serving, template parsing (with a wide variety of template languages), authentication, you name it.
Highly concurrent websites – high-volume webservices, varying loads, etc.
Highly concurrent connections – for example, websockets with many clients sending and receiving data.
Back-end systems dealing with files. Example: GitHub’s Nodeload, which prepares Git repositories for download by compressing them into tarballs. It calls git archive, waits, then streams the result back to the user using Node’s stream API’s. (output I/O is also I/O and can benefit from evented I/O). See



tar -zpcv -f /root/etc.tar.gz /etc


tar zcv etc > foo.tar.gz


Targeting Screens from Web Apps | Android Developers

Targeting Screens from Web Apps | Android Developers
That's an example of just two viewport properties. The following syntax shows all of the supported viewport properties and the general types of values accepted by each one:

<meta name="viewport"
height = [pixel_value | device-height] ,
width = [pixel_value | device-width ] ,
initial-scale = float_value ,
minimum-scale = float_value ,
maximum-scale = float_value ,
user-scalable = [yes | no] ,
target-densitydpi = [dpi_value | device-dpi |
high-dpi | medium-dpi | low-dpi]
" />

頭家爐主 Local chiefs and incense heads

頭家爐主 Local chiefs and incense heads



Daring Fireball Linked List: Android's 'Density-Independent Pixel'

Daring Fireball Linked List: Android's 'Density-Independent Pixel'

Android devices have wildly-varying pixel-per-inch resolutions. To aid developers, the OS offers a “density-independent pixel” unit of measurement:

A virtual pixel unit that applications can use in defining their UI, to express layout dimensions or position in a density-independent way.

The density-independent pixel is equivalent to one physical pixel on a 160 dpi screen, the baseline density assumed by the platform (as described later in this document). At run time, the platform transparently handles any scaling of the dip units needed, based on the actual density of the screen in use. The conversion of dip units to screen pixels is simple: pixels = dips * (density / 160). For example, on 240 dpi screen, 1 dip would equal 1.5 physical pixels. Using dip units to define your application’s UI is highly recommended, as a way of ensuring proper display of your UI on different screens.

I suspect Apple will do something similar, except that by going straight from 480 × 320 to 960 × 640, everything just doubles in terms of pixels and nothing works out to a non-integer scaling factor.

Philosophical Games: Customize Android Browser Scaling with target-densityDpi

Philosophical Games: Customize Android Browser Scaling with target-densityDpi

Add dpi support for WebView.

In the "viewport" meta tag, you can specify "target-densityDpi".
If it is not specified, it uses the default, 160dpi as of today.
Then the 1.0 scale factor specified in the viewport tag means 100%
on G1 and 150% on Sholes. If you set "target-densityDpi" to
"device-dpi", then the 1.0 scale factor means 100% on both G1 and Sholes.

Implemented Safari's window.devicePixelRatio and css media query

So if you use "device-dpi" and modify the css for font-size and image
src depending on window.devicePixelRatio, you can get a better page on

Here is a list of options for "target-densityDpi".

device-dpi: Use the device's native dpi as target dpi.
low-dpi: 120dpi
medium-dpi: 160dpi, which is also the default as of today
high-dpi: 240dpi
: We take any number between 70 and 400 as a valid target dpi.

Fix http://b/issue?id=2071943

A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel - QuirksBlog

node-optimist /


optimist is a node.js library for option parsing for people who hate option parsing. More specifically, this module is for people who like all the --bells and -whistlz of program usage but think optstrings are a waste of time.

With optimist, option parsing doesn't have to suck (as much).

var argv = require('optimist').argv;

if (argv.rif - 5 * argv.xup > 7.138) {
console.log('Buy more riffiwobbles');
else {
console.log('Sell the xupptumblers');

$ ./xup.js --rif=55 --xup=9.52
Buy more riffiwobbles

$ ./xup.js --rif 12 --xup 8.1
Sell the xupptumblers

And non-hypenated options too! Just use argv._!

var argv = require('optimist').argv;
console.log('(%d,%d)', argv.x, argv.y);

$ ./nonopt.js -x 6.82 -y 3.35 moo
[ 'moo' ]

$ ./nonopt.js foo -x 0.54 bar -y 1.12 baz
[ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]


var argv = require('optimist').usage('Usage: $0 [entry files] {OPTIONS}').wrap(80).option('outfile', {
alias: 'o',
desc: 'Write the browserify bundle to this file.\n' + 'If unspecified, browserify prints to stdout.',
}).option('require', {
alias: 'r',
desc: 'A module name or file to bundle.require()\n' + 'Optionally use a colon separator to set the target.',
}).option('entry', {
alias: 'e',
desc: 'An entry point of your app'
}).option('alias', {
alias: 'a',
desc: 'Register an alias with a colon separator: "to:from"\n' + "Example: --alias 'jquery:jquery-browserify'",
}).option('plugin', {
alias: 'p',
desc: 'Use a plugin. Use a colon separator to specify additional ' + 'plugin arguments as a JSON string.\n' + 'Example: --plugin \'fileify:["files","."]\''
}).option('help', {
alias: 'h',
desc: 'Show this message'
}).check(function (argv) {
if ( throw ''
if (process.argv.length <= 2) throw 'Specify a parameter.'