

John Resig - Sub-Pixel Problems in CSS

John Resig - Sub-Pixel Problems in CSS - 在ie下如果用 % 來讓 row 可以 expand,如果所有 row 的總和加起來全部是100%, 也可能會發生最後一個 row drop,很有可能是這個原因,因為 ie 對於 sub-pixel 的處理方式是 round-up。John的作法是4個div evenly shared 一個 50px寬度,所以一個是12.5px。

* Round the numbers down - Both Opera and Safari round down the widths of all the divs to 12px. This leaves a 2px gap (note the green) to the right of all the divs. If you've ever wondered why your nicely-aligned navigation doesn't fill up the full contents of a container in these browsers, now you know why. On the plus side, at least you know what the width of these containers will all be the same, no matter what.
* Round the numbers up - Both Internet Explorer 6 and 7 round the widths of all the divs up to 13px. Doing this causes the floated divs to immediately wrap, breaking layouts. This is obviously wrong as it causes many safely-numbered layouts to break for no obvious reason.
* Round some numbers up and some down - Both Firefox 2 and 3 mix the rounding of the div widths to 12px and 13px. The mix of rounding is done as to provide an even result at the end (making it flush with the far edge). The obvious side effect is that the divs no longer have a consistent width to them (even though an equal width was specified by the CSS). Additionally, the reported (via a JavaScript computed style call, like offsetWidth) width of the element remains at its reported 12.5px not providing the user with any indication of which way the rounding is occurring. And to add another confusing wrench in the works: The order of which divs have a width of 13px or 12px has been flip-flopped in Firefox 3. This was done to improve efficiency and speed and seemingly little, to no, effect on general web site rendering.
