Acid3 is out
he third Acid test, again compiled by Ian Hickson. This one viciously tests DOM Scripting standards compliance and currently exposes flaws in every browser.
Acid3: Putting Browser Makers on Notice, Again. - The Web Standards Project
Acid3 Browser Test - The Web Standards Project
* DOM2 Core
* DOM2 Events
* DOM2 Range
* DOM2 Style (getComputedStyle, …)
* DOM2 Traversal (NodeIterator, TreeWalker)
* DOM2 Views (defaultView)
* ECMAScript
* HTML4 (<object>, <iframe>, …)
* HTTP (Content-Type, 404, …)
* Media Queries
* Selectors (:lang, :nth-child(), combinators, dynamic changes, …)
* XHTML 1.0
* CSS2 (@font-face)
* CSS2.1 (’inline-block’, ‘pre-wrap’, parsing…)
* CSS3 Color (rgba(), hsla(), …)
* CSS3 UI (’cursor’)
* data: URIs
* SVG (SVG Animation, SVG Fonts, …)
Take the Acid3 test.