

JavaScript Promises: There and back again - HTML5 Rocks

JavaScript Promises: There and back again - HTML5 Rocks -

Domenic Denicola proof read the first draft of this article and graded me "F" for terminology. He put me in detention, forced me to copy out States and Fates 100 times, and wrote a worried letter to my parents. Despite that, I still get a lot of the terminology mixed up, but here are the basics: A promise can be: fulfilled The action relating to the promise succeeded rejected The action relating to the promise failed pending Hasn't fulfilled or rejected yet settled Has fulfilled or rejected
function get(url) {
  // Return a new promise.
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // Do the usual XHR stuff
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);

    req.onload = function() {
      // This is called even on 404 etc
      // so check the status
      if (req.status == 200) {
        // Resolve the promise with the response text
      else {
        // Otherwise reject with the status text
        // which will hopefully be a meaningful error

    // Handle network errors
    req.onerror = function() {
      reject(Error("Network Error"));

    // Make the request

function getJSON(url) {
  return get(url).then(JSON.parse);
