

Will v./ will be v.~ing?

Will v./ will be v.~ing?

1. We'll be visiting you next Monday. 2. We'll visit you next Monday. Is there any difference between them? Thanks.
I would say there is only a subtle difference in emphasis. The first sentence emphasizes the process of visiting, and might be more likely to be used if you are going on to discuss what will happen during the visit. (We will be visiting you Monday, so we can more about this in person. We will be visiting George, so if you are looking for us, call us at his house.) The second sentence simply states the fact that the visit will take place. (We will visit you on Monday. On Tuesday we will go to the museum, and on Wednesday we will go to the beach.) The difference is slight - in most conversational situations, either sentence could be used.
Yes, elinor, there is a difference -- the usual difference between progressive and non-progressive structures. 1. We will be [in the act of / in the situation] of doing some visiting with you next Monday. The time period of visiting will be during next Monday. This is a descriptive form. It describes what will be going on. 2. The following event will take place next Monday: We will make a visit to you. This is a fact-stating form. It states the facts of the event as a whole, as if the visit were an item on a schedule of tasks to be accomplished next Monday. The progressive forms express actions and situations as they unfold in time. The non-progressive forms express 'event-facts'. Such-and-such an event will happen. With the future, the progressive is much more likely when the activity has been prearranged. Example: -- Can you go swimming with us next Monday? -- No, because we'll be visiting grandmother then. (You can't easily answer: No, because we'll visit grandmother then.) -- We have to visit grandmother next week. -- OK. Let's get it over with. We'll visit her next Monday. (You can't easily answer: OK. We'll be visiting her next Monday. It sounds like you've already prearranged the visit.)

Marissa Mayer Has a Secret Weapon

Marissa Mayer Has a Secret Weapon

So Mayer came up with an idea: Google would hire computer science majors who just graduated or had been in the workplace fewer than 18 months. The ideal applicants must have technical talent, but not be total programming geeks — APMs had to have social finesse and business sense. Essentially they would be in-house entrepreneurs. They would undergo a multi-interview hiring process that made the Harvard admissions regimen look like community college. The chosen ones were thrown into deep water, heading real, important product teams. (As the first APM, Rakowski was asked to launch a nascent project called Gmail. By the way, I hear Rakowski is taking over the program now that Mayer is gone.) “We give them way too much responsibility,” Mayer once told me, “to see if they can handle it.” Also, Google had APMs perform tasks for top management, like note-taking at high-level executive meetings or drawing up white papers on ambitious potential products.

Meteor – The next Ruby-on-Rails?

Meteor – The next Ruby-on-Rails?


Micha’s Golden Rule

Micha’s Golden Rule

Micha Gorelick, a data scientist in NYC, coined the following rule: Do not store data in the keys of a JSON blob. This is Micha’s Golden Rule; it should always be followed when forming JSON for use in D3, and will save you many confusing hours. This means that one should never form JSON like the following:
"bob": 20,
"alice": 23,
"drew": 30
Here we are storing data in both the key (name) and the value (age). This is perfectly valid JSON, but breaks Micha’s Golden Rule, which is bad. Instead, we would form the following as a list:
    "name": "bob",
    "age": 20
}, {
    "name": "alice",
    "age": 23
}, {
    "name": "drew",
    "age": 30
Here, we store data only in the values, and the keys indicate only what the data repre- sents. If you are in the unfortunate position of having JSON that breaks Micha’s Golden Rule, consider using d3.entries() to make the conversion.
via: O'Reilly Getting Start with D3


7 Habits

7 Habits

Stephen Covey wrote a profoundly influential book which made a big impact on my life. At a time when most self-help authors were focused on improving your personality, Covey was concerned about your character. A quick summary of the habits: 1) Be Proactive - accept that while you can't control what happens to you, you can always control how you respond 2) Begin with the End in Mind - imagine what you'd like people to say about you at your funeral, live each day with that vision of your best self in mind 3) First things First - don't let the urgent take precedence over the important - make sure you devot time/energy to your highest priorities 4) Understand before Seeking to Be Understood - make sure you really listen to others, reflect what you hear, before trying to tell them anything 5) Think Win-Win - life works better when you don't see things as a battle, but as an opportunity to allow both/all parties to succeed 6) Synergy - ok, this was a little vague, but basically by working together you can achieve more 7) Sharpen the Saw - make sure to take time to renew yourself - exercise, sleep, recharge, learn new things, and keep yourself operating at the highest levels. RIP Stephen. Tremendous respect for what you've embodied.


ShiftIt_10.5_i386_v1.2 - Manage windows in Mac OS X - Google Project Hosting

ShiftIt_10.5_i386_v1.2 - Manage windows in Mac OS X - Google Project Hosting

command + option + 方向鍵 - 視窗能以1/2畫面的大小,依方向鍵放置於畫面的上、下、左、右 command + option + control + 方向鍵 - 視窗能以1/4畫面的大小,依方向鍵放置於畫面的上、下、左、右 command + option + F鍵 - 視窗全螢幕顯示 command + option + C鍵 - 視窗置中顯示


為什麼創業公司需要一流員工,而非二流 - 網路創業交流 - Inside 論壇

為什麼創業公司需要一流員工,而非二流 - 網路創業交流 - Inside 論壇

僱人,僱怎樣的人,對任何公司來說都是大事。而創業公司,由於各方面的不完善,在招聘員工這個問題上更有可能會就目前的條件而降低標準。不過這並不是ShopCo創業公司CEO—— Ben T. Smith IV的做法。他說,創業公司一定要招一流員工而非二流。為什麼會這麼說呢?我們來看看他的解釋: Mark Zuckerberg 曾說過,一位卓越的工程師相當於100名普通的工程師。他常常講起一流員工(A-player)這個概念。在我看來,創業公司可以做的就是接受它。要想維持一個快速成長的公司,無疑需要一個快速增長的人力資源。新工程師和產品經理的上馬,可以為公司打造產品。服務和支持型員工則可擴展公司的顧客基礎。在這些方面,僱用二流員工(B-Player)無疑意味著是僱用平庸。從企業家轉行成為達拉斯小牛隊老闆的Mark Cuban曾經說過,一家公司應該只在核心崗位上僱用一流員工,然後根據市場價格來招聘非核心崗位的人。我並不同意這一觀點。這對於具有完整規模的公司或許是對的,但對於那些還處於初級階段,甚至不知道哪部分才是真正的核心的創業公司來說,卻不可行。 怎樣才是一流員工? Jim Collins曾在他的《從優秀到卓越(Good to Great——Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don't)》中提到,領導力的最高表達是謙遜和意志。這兩項都是一流員工所擁有的特質。他們的意志可以保證動力;他們從不對別人指手畫腳多加指責;整個團隊願意與他們配合。一流員工並不需要細緻的管理或者預先被調動起來。他們只需要你適時地指出正確的方向。謙遜總是一個常被忽視但實際上同等重要的特質。謙遜的人不會計較個人得失,並為他們認為值得的人心甘情願做事;他們不參與政治;當他們發表意見的時候,不管你有沒有考慮過這些意見,你都會肯定他們所說的就是他們所認為的;他們沒有不可告人的個人動機。謙遜,可以保證公司不會被一些無時無刻表現欲強的“主角”攻占。 部分一流員工可能會在公司交給的任務中有一兩個處失敗,但大部分的任務還是會完成。冒風險可能會是這類員工失敗的原因。一流員工並不常常是卓越的領導人,不過這不要緊。你依然需要這些謙遜的並有毅力邁向成功的人,而不僅僅需要麻木的執行者。因為創業公司不僅僅需要優秀的戰略和視野,還需要真正優秀的執行。 如何吸引一流員工 在矽谷,勞動市場的競爭激烈。Facebook、Google、Zynga這類的大公司會提供頂尖的薪水待遇,所以創業公司必須聰明地用其他方式跟上。這意味著他們需要運用企業文化——引導人們為一件大事工作在一起,使得他們與眾不同。 在去年從Y Combinator培訓班畢業後,MixRank的聯合創始人Ilya Lichtenstein 和Scott Milliken籌集了一輪天使投資並開始著手擴展他們的團隊。一開始,他們對絕大部分的簡歷都提不起興趣,於是他們開始將招聘移向那些使用Twitter、Hacker News、技術論壇以及開源郵件列表的社群,從中僱用有天賦和工作熱情的工程師。他們想要找到獨立思考並對規章制度和權威帶有合理輕視的人。吸引這些合適的候選人的並不是錢,即使他們提供市場相當的薪水和股權,重要的還是公司所能給予的視野和文化。合適的候選人會對創業公司正在解決的大問題感到興奮,而他們也為自己能為公司技術方面的發展方向有大貢獻而感到滿足。 當我領導我現在的創業公司時,我曾在當地大學招聘。我被告知一般的工程師會提出的待遇要求,而我告訴他們我並不在乎這些。我想知道的是前五名的應屆生將要去哪,而他們的待遇是多少,因為他們才是我想聘用的對象。 如何讓一流員工保持快樂 上世紀80年代,Benjamin Schneider提出了“吸引——選擇——消耗”的框架概念,公司中的人最終會同質化,因為他們吸引和選擇那些適合公司的人,而不適合的人會離開。所以當一個公司擁有同質化的一流員工群體,它會更傾向於保持成為一個優質的組織。 不過這只是事情的一部分,一流員工需要不時的鼓勵。不過有趣的是,他們只看到公司對別的一流員工的鼓勵,除非他們看重的人給予他們鼓勵,否則他們不認為是鼓勵。所以,公司設置一流員工的界限的話會有一個附加的好處:這表明公司想驅逐二流員工,吸引其他的一流員工,加強公司已經建立的氛圍。Zappos就曾使用過這一理論,它為員工們提供了2000美元的退出補償,就理論而言,一流員工不會因為錢這個因素離開,只有二流員工會因此退出。 二流員工表現得更虛榮和缺少安全感。他們希望被欽佩(不管是被誰欽佩),這會讓他們感到自己更高一籌。所以二流員工常常吸引其他的二流員工和更常見的三流員工。從這個角度來看,一流員工更容易成就一流的公司,而二流員工所成就的可能是三流公司。 這些人可能會是一流員工: 他們不一定只是來自大牌公司,他們也可能來自一些失敗了的創業公司。 他們不一定都來自頂尖學校,但他們一定會是能快速學習的人。 他們會受成功願望的激勵並且他們常與其它一流員工在一起。 他們不一定是最聰明的,不過他們想要勝利,並且他們知道學習和執行是真正取得勝利的兩個關鍵因素。 儘管他們不想,但他們可能會離開。如果他們與公司的方向一致,那就需要找到留住他們的方法。如果他們不和方向一致,他們完全可以毀掉你或你的公司。 他們並不常因為官方承認或經濟獎勵受到激勵,不過這些都需要給。這樣其他的一流員工可能會被吸引而來。 最後,Ben T. Smith IV 總結到:不要降低你招人的標準,因為這樣你的公司才會發展得更好。


卡耐基人际关系指南 - 阮一峰的网络日志

卡耐基人际关系指南 - 阮一峰的网络日志

一、人际关系的基本技巧 1. 不要批评、谴责、抱怨。   Don't criticize, condemn or complain. 2. 真诚地欣赏他人。   Give honest and sincere appreciation. 3. 激发他人的渴望。   Arouse in the other person an eager want. 二、获得他人好感的六种方法 4. 对他人真的感兴趣。   Become genuinely interested in other people. 5. 微笑。   Smile. 6. 所有语言中最甜蜜、最重要的声音,就是当一个人听到自己的名字。   Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. 7. 做一个优秀的听众,鼓励对方谈论他自己。   Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. 8. 谈对方感兴趣的话题。   Talk in terms of the other person's interests. 9. 让对方感觉自己很重要,并且你是真诚地这样做。   Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely. 三、如何得到他人的支持 10. 彻底赢得争议的唯一方法,就是避免争议。   The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. 11. 尊重他人的意见,绝不说"你错了"。   Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong." 12. 一旦发现自己不对,立刻无保留地承认。   If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. 13. 以一种友好的方式开场。   Begin in a friendly way. 14. 尽快让对方说"是这样的"。   Get the other person saying "yes, yes" immediately. 15. 让他人多多发言。   Let the other person do a great deal of the talking. 16. 让他人感觉,你说的是他的想法。   Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers. 17. 诚恳地站在他人的角度,看待问题。   Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view. 18. 对他人的想法和主张,抱有理解和同情。   Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires. 19. 诉诸更高尚的动机。   Appeal to the nobler motives. 20. 把你的想法,用故事表达。   Dramatize your ideas. 21. 激起对方的好胜心。   Throw down a challenge. 四、如何做领导者 ----不冒犯、也不引发怨恨地,让他人按照你的主张行事。 22. 以表扬和真诚的欣赏开场。   Begin with praise and honest appreciation. 23. 婉转地指出他人的错误。   Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly. 24. 批评他人之前,先谈自己的错误。   Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person. 25. 设问,而不是下达命令。   Ask questions instead of giving direct orders. 26. 让他人有面子。   Let the other person save face. 27. 赞扬每一个细微的进步,衷心地表达你的认可,慷慨地给出赞美之词。   Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be "hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise." 28. 给他人应用的荣誉。   Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to. 29. 不断地鼓励,让犯错看上去是一件小事。   Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct. 30. 他人做你建议的事情时,让他们心情愉快。   Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.