

Twitter Engineering: Improving performance on

Twitter Engineering: Improving performance on

No more #! The first thing that you might notice is that permalink URLs are now simpler: they no longer use the hashbang (#!). While hashbang-style URLs have a handful of limitations, our primary reason for this change is to improve initial page-load performance. When you come to, we want you to see content as soon as possible. With hashbang URLs, the browser needs to download an HTML page, download and execute some JavaScript, recognize the hashbang path (which is only visible to the browser), then fetch and render the content for that URL. By removing the need to handle routing on the client, we remove many of these steps and reduce the time it takes for you to find out what’s happening on Loading only what we need To do this, we opted to arrange all our code as CommonJS modules, delivered via AMD. This means that each piece of our code explicitly declares what it needs to execute which, firstly, is a win for developer productivity. When working on any one module, we can easily understand what dependencies it relies on, rather than the typical browser JavaScript situation in which code depends on an implicit load order and globally accessible properties. Modules let us separate the loading and the evaluation of our code. This means that we can bundle our code in the most efficient manner for delivery and leave the evaluation order up to the dependency loader. We can tune how we bundle our code, lazily load parts of it, download pieces in parallel, separate it into any number of files, and more — all without the author of the code having to know or care about this. Our JavaScript bundles are built programmatically by a tool, similar to the RequireJS optimizer, that crawls each file to build a dependency tree. This dependency tree lets us design how we bundle our code, and rather than downloading the kitchen sink every time, we only download the code we need — and then only execute that code when required by the application.
