



// argument formId can be the id or name attribute value of the
// HTML form, or an HTML form object.
var formObject = document.getElementById('aForm');
// This example facilitates a POST transaction.
// An HTTP GET can be used as well.
var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', '', callback);

Connection Manager can automatically harvest HTML form data and prepare it for either a GET or POST request via the setForm method. When you call this method before initiating the transaction, Connection Manager constructs a GET querystring or a POST message from the form and submits it to the specified URL. To use this functionality, your form elements must have defined, non-empty string name attribute values.

If the subsequent asyncRequest is HTTP GET and has a URI querystring, the querystring resulting from setForm will be concatenated onto the URI's existing querystring. If the transaction is HTTP POST, and asyncRequest contains additional POST data -- as the fourth argument -- this data will be added to the form data to create the POST message.
