


JSON - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
JSON's basic types are

* Number (integer, real, or floating point)
* String (double-quoted Unicode with backslash escapement)
* Boolean (true and false)
* Array (an ordered sequence of values, comma-separated and enclosed in square brackets)
* Object (collection of key/value pairs, comma-separated and enclosed in curly brackets)
* null

Yahoo! UI Library: JSON utility
JSON data is characterized as a collection of objects, arrays, booleans, strings, numbers, and null. The notation follows these guidelines:

* Objects begin and end with curly braces ({}).
* Object members consist of a string key and an associated value separated by a colon ( "key" : VALUE ).
* Objects may contain any number of members, separated by commas ({ "key1" : VALUE1, "key2" : VALUE2 }).
* Arrays begin and end with square braces and contain any number of values, separated by commas ([ VALUE1, VALUE2 ]).
* Values can be a string, a number, an object, an array, or the literals true, false, and null.
* Strings are surrounded by double quotes and can contain Unicode characters and common backslash escapes ("new\nline").
