If you open the Net panel in Firebug (or use LiveHTTPHeaders or some other packet sniffer), you can verify that the content is compressed by looking for a Content-Encoding header in the response, as shown in the following example:
Example request:
GET /2.2.2/build/utilities/utilities.js HTTP/1.1
Host: yui.yahooapis.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070713 Firefox/
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Example response:
HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Last-Modified: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 17:36:33 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
Content-Encoding: gzip
Cache-Control: max-age=306470616
Expires: Sun, 16 Apr 2017 00:01:52 GMT Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 21:18:16 GMT Content-Length: 22657
Connection: keep-alive
In this request, the browser informed the server that it understands gzip and deflate encodings (Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate) and the server responded with gzip-encoded content (Content-Encoding: gzip).
There’s one gotcha when it comes to serving gzipped content: you must make sure that proxies do not get in your way. If an ISP’s proxy caches your gzipped content and serves it to all of its customers, chances are that someone with a browser that doesn’t support compression will receive your compressed content.
To avoid this you can use the Vary: Accept-Encoding response header to tell the proxy to cache this response only for clients that send the same Accept-Encoding request header. In the example above, the browser said it supports gzip and deflate, and the server responded with some extra information for any proxy between the server and client, saying that gzip-encoded content is okay for any client that sends the same Accept-Encoding content.
There is one additional problem here: some browsers (IE 5.5, IE 6 SP 1, for instance) claim they support gzip, but can actually experience problems reading it (as described on the Microsoft downloads site, and the support site). If you care about people using these browsers (they usually account for less than 1% of a site’s visitors) you can use a different header — Cache-Control: Private — which eliminates proxy caching completely. Another way to prevent proxy caching is to use the header Vary: *.
標籤: http
There's no speed limit. (The lessons that changed my life.) | Derek Sivers
Kimo's high expectations set a new pace for me. He taught me “the standard pace is for chumps” - that the system is designed so anyone can keep up. If you're more driven than “just anyone” - you can do so much more than anyone expects. And this applies to ALL of life - not just school.
Before I met him, I was just a kid who wanted to be a musician, doing it casually.
Ever since our five lessons, high expectations became my norm, and still are to this day. Whether music, business, or personal - whether I actually achieve my expectations or not - the point is that I owe every great thing that's happened in my life to Kimo's raised expectations. That's all it took. A random meeting and five music lessons to convince me I can do anything more effectively than anyone expects.
#1 : Focus. Disconnect. Do not be distracted.
While you're here, presidents will change, the world will change, and the media will try to convince you how important it all is.
But it's not. None of it matters to you now.
You are being tested.
Your enemy is distraction.
Stay offline. Shut off your computer. Stay in the shed.
When you emerge in a few years, you can ask someone what you missed, and you'll find it can be summed up in a few minutes.
#2 : Do not accept their speed limit.
If you want to be above average, you must push yourself to do more than required.
There's a martial arts saying, “When you are not practicing, someone else is. When you meet him, he will win.”
#3 : Nobody will teach you anything. You have to teach yourself.
#4 : Learn from your heroes, not only theirs.
#5 : Don't get stuck in the past.
#6 : When done, be valuable.
Making sure you're making money is just a way of making sure you're doing something of value to others.
Remember that this usually comes from doing the things that most people don't do.
For example : how much does the world pay people to play video games? Nothing, because everyone does it.
How much does the world pay people to make video games? A ton, because very few can do it, and lots of people want it.
所以,更好的策略是,开发一个简化的产品,突出某种不同的市场定位,争夺现有厂商的低端用户。这样的话,你不用开发一个全功能的产品,节省了时间,而且由于设计目标不同,更容易做出颠覆式创新(disruptive innovation)。
新埔店--- 台北縣板橋市民生路三段11號 (新埔捷運站一號出口右方)
清華大學店--新竹市光復路二段440號(建新路口.清華大學側門對面 )
淡水老街分店: 台北縣淡水鎮淡水老街中正路135號(阿婆鐵蛋隔壁)
台北永康店: 台北市大安區永康街15-2號(永康冰館隔壁)
士林中正店: 台北市士林區中正路199-2號(世華銀行旁)
This is about getting stuff done - not hanging out in the office 24/7. Make sure to sleep, exercise, and spend time with friends and family to keep your energy and creativity high.
edit ~/.ssh/config
Host aws
HostName ec2-175-41-181-219.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/chunghekey.pem
ssh aws
ssh chunghe@ec2-175-41-181-219.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com –I ~/chunghekey.pem
標籤: Linux
首先是智慧财产权。美国的生产效率为何高?内需为何那么大?国家为何那么富有?完全和这个民族的创造力有关系。这个创造力不但体现在物质生产上面,同时在精神 文化,娱乐消遣等所有的方面都能够淋漓尽致地体现出来,那么这个社会就高效产出,同时又有强大的内需消耗,加上资源配置最优化,这是所有西方国家走向发达 的关键。如果到现在为止还有很多人竟然觉得美国的发达是靠掠夺而来,那么你受穷显然是必然的,因为你没抓住关键问题。
I think its a little different in my macbook .. Fn+apple+v does the “shift-insert’ function in windows/linux and Fn+backspace does the delete function.
標籤: mac
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