

Performance Calendar » Coding Better Object-Oriented JavaScript with Closure Compiler

Performance Calendar » Coding Better Object-Oriented JavaScript with Closure Compiler

* Helper function that implements (pseudo)Classical inheritance inheritance.
* @see
* @param {Function} childClass
* @param {Function} parentClass
function inherits(childClass, parentClass) {
/** @constructor */
var tempClass = function() {
tempClass.prototype = parentClass.prototype;
childClass.prototype = new tempClass();
childClass.prototype.constructor = childClass;


* The shape
* @constructor
function Shape() {
// No implementation.

* Get the size
* @return {number} The size.
Shape.prototype.getSize = function() {
// No implementation.


* The Box.
* @param {number} width The width.
* @param {number} height The height.
* @constructor
* @extends {Shape}
function Box(width, height) {;

* @private
* @type {number}
this.width_ = width;

* @private
* @type {number}
this.height_ = height;
inherits(Box, Shape);

* @return {number} The width.
Box.prototype.getWidth = function() {
return this.width_;

* @return {number} The height.
Box.prototype.getHeight = function() {
return this.height_;

/** @inheritDoc */
Box.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.height_ * this.width_;


* The Box.
* @param {number} width The width.
* @param {number} height The height.
* @param {number} depth The depth.
* @constructor
* @extends {Box}
function Cube(width, height, depth) {, width, height);

* @private
* @type {number}
this.depth_ = depth;
inherits(Cube, Box);

* @return {number} The width.
Cube.prototype.getDepth = function() {
return this.depth_;

/** @inheritDoc */
Cube.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.depth_ * this.getHeight() * this.getWidth();


var cube = new Cube(3, 6, 9);

// skip example code.


* The shape
* @interface
function Shape() {

* Get the size
* @return {number} The size.
Shape.prototype.getSize = function() {};


* The Box.
* @param {number} width The width.
* @param {number} height The height.
* @constructor
* @implements {Shape}
function Box(width, height) {;

* @private
* @type {number}
this.width_ = width;

* @private
* @type {number}
this.height_ = height;

* @return {number} The width.
Box.prototype.getWidth = function() {
return this.width_;

// skip example code
