

Code: Flickr Developer Blog » On UI Quality (The Little Things): Client-side Image Resizing

Code: Flickr Developer Blog » On UI Quality (The Little Things): Client-side Image Resizing

Tweaking image resampling in IE

IE 7 supports high-quality bicubic image resampling, producing results akin to what you’d see in most image editing programs. It’s disabled by default, but you can enable it using -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;. It’s probably safest to apply this only to images you are explicitly showing at non-native sizes.

IE 6 is a riskier proposition, but can show improved image resizing when the AlphaImageLoader CSS filter is applied, the same filter commonly used for properly displaying PNGs with alpha transparency. For example, filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader (src='/path/to/image.jpg', sizingMethod='scale');. While there is no transparency to apply here, the resizing method applied gives a higher-quality result.
