

smush it!

smush it! presentations

* Turn GIFs into PNG8. Results are reported only if there's a saving, the file name then becomes source.gif.png. uses imagemagick to do the conversion and then pngcrush to crush the pngs
* Crush PNGs using pngcrush
* Strip JPEG metadata and make them progressive, using jpegtran
* GIF animations: use gifsicle to remove pixels that don't change from one frame to another

7 mistakes in image optimization - O'Reilly's Velocity, SFO, June 2008
1. No Gifs
2. Crush PNGs
3. strip JPEG meta
4. Avoid truecolor PNG, use PNG8
5. Avoid AlphaImageLoader
6. Optimize and cache dynamic images
7. Combine images into sprites
