- Fear, uncertainty and doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) is a sales or marketing strategy of disseminating negative (and vague) information on a competitor's product. The term originated to describe misinformation tactics in the computer hardware industry and has since been used more broadly. FUD is a manifestation of the appeal to fear.
- Language Wars
- Ruby Performance Revisited
- White & Nerdy 中文字幕版
- White & Nerdy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- SYN Flood 攻擊的基本原理及防禦
- 張凱雅談Keith Jarrett~
- Dive Into Accessibility
- 為什麼30歲了還沒有汽車?
- 凌群電腦取得國內第一張 CMMI Level5評鑑認證
- 程式語言的效率: 本日最中肯效能最佳化的態度應該是保持一個「可最佳化」的架構,但不先試著做最佳化。等到效能瓶頸浮現時,在這個「可最佳化」的架構上,輕鬆的進行最佳化。而不是試著在每個環節都進行最佳化,最後影響了開發的時程,也不見得真的享受到該有的效能。