

Download details: IE App Compat VHD

Download details: IE App Compat VHD
Microsoft Virtual PC: Virtual PC 2007
The Administrator and IETest passwords are Password1 .

* IE6-on-XP-SP3.exe contains a Windows XP SP3 with IE6 VHD file. Expires July 1, 2010
* IE7-on-XP-SP3.exe contains a Windows XP SP3 with IE7 VHD file. Expires July 1, 2010
* IE8-on-XP-SP3.exe contains a Windows XP SP3 with IE8 VHD file. Expires July 1, 2010
* IE7-VIS1.exe+IE7-VIS2.rar+IE7-VIS3.rar contain a Vista Image with IE7 VHD file. Expires 120 days after first run.
* IE8-VIS1.exe+IE8-VIS2.rar+IE8-VIS3.rar+IE8-VIS4.rar contain a Vista Image with IE8 VHD file. Expires 120 days after first run.
