

perfection kills » Blog Archive » `instanceof` considered harmful (or how to write a robust `isArray`)

perfection kills » Blog Archive » `instanceof` considered harmful (or how to write a robust `isArray`)

function isArray(o) {
return === '[object Array]';

instanceof considered harmful (or how to write a robust isArray
JavaScript’s instanceof operator breaks when dealing with objects that may have been created in a different document or frame, since constructors are unique to each frame. Instead, you can check for arrays using the default Object.toString method which the JS spec guarantees will return [object Array].

myArray instanceof Array fails after passing to a different page - comp.lang.javascript | Google 網上論壇
When you say 'Array', you are talking about 'window.Array'. 'window' is the
browser's context object, and you get one per page (or frame). All of the arrays
created within a context will have their constructor property set to

An array created in a different context has a different window.Array, so your
myArray instanceof Array

/trunk/jquery/src/core.js - jQuery - Development

isFunction: function( obj ) {
return === "[object Function]";

isArray: function( obj ) {
return === "[object Array]";
