

HelloFax:免費線上傳真服務(每月都有50頁額度) @ 符碼記憶

HelloFax:免費線上傳真服務(每月都有50頁額度) @ 符碼記憶

一般而言我們平常應該沒有什麼傳真的需求, 不過臨時有需要時就很頭大,雖然郵局、便利商店都有提供傳真服務, 可是應該還是有人像我一樣,若能省錢就省錢,能不用出門就不用出門吧 :p 這次研究免費線上傳真服務是因為需要傳真申請華南信用卡紅利點數兌換ANA哩程, 研究了幾種免費服務後最後選擇了 HelloFax,簡單整理比較如下: HelloFax:測試OK,簡單好用,每月有50頁額度,全台可傳! MyFax:傳真後需收email點連結才真正送出,但12/4測試收不到email FaxDesk:已陣亡,連不到網頁


Himelight - 履歷產生器

Himelight - 履歷產生器

打造屬於新世代的個人品牌 Himelight 讓你可以輕鬆的完成出色履歷,還可以點亮你經歷最精采的部份,展現給全世界。

Meaning of the phrase "it is worth noting that" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

Meaning of the phrase "it is worth noting that" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

"It is worth noting that" simply means "here's something, which you should remember:" or "here's something you should pay attention to:" or "here's something that is worth reading and remember:" ex: It’s worth nothing that while `setTimeout` is relatively portable across platforms, there’s often a better alternative available.




This is a tool that can display intermediate representations used by V8 and Dart VM optimizing compilers.


youtube-dl - CLI tool to get videos from YouTube - Pank's Blog

youtube-dl - CLI tool to get videos from YouTube - Pank's Blog

youtube-dl 是個強大的線上影片下載工具, 不止支援 YouTube, 也支援很多其他站 (如土豆、樂視等) 也有提供 Windows 版 (已包入 Python) 列出所有 format code youtube-dl -F 指定下載某個 format code youtube-dl -f 266 下載最高解析度 youtube-dl -f bestvideo+bestaudio




Tool to pack binary files into a PNG image.


workaround: video auto play in mobile browser

Media playback restrictions in Blink | Philip Jägenstedt

However, I’ve also found a workaround for current browsers. As of WebKit r108831, all restrictions are removed in the first successful load() or play() call. Any user gesture is accepted, so one can listen to all input events and remove the restrictions as soon as the user clicks, touches or uses the keyboard. One does not need to start playback at that point, but can wait until a later time. For example, one could “liberate” a number of audio elements for later use in a game. I’ve prepared a demo of the workaround. It works in current versions of Opera, Chrome and Safari. While it does not work in the default Android browser prior to KitKat, even there it could be adapted to e.g. autoplay background music by calling play() instead of load() in the input event handler.

Napkin for OS X - Say it with a picture, skip the 1,000 words

Napkin for OS X - Say it with a picture, skip the 1,000 words

Napkin is the ideal image markup application for OS X. Designers, software developers, artists, educators, journalists, or anyone that needs to annotate images will love how painless and powerful Napkin is. You'll be creating engaging results in no time. Watch our quick video to see how Napkin will make your life easier.


Aero Snap 工具加強版:BetterSnapTool | AppleUser

Aero Snap 工具加強版:BetterSnapTool | AppleUser

via: Amethyst – A tiling window manager for OS X | Hacker News

7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI

7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI (Part 1) — Medium

Light comes from the sky Black and white first Double your whitespace Learn the methods of overlaying text on images (see Part 2) Make text pop— and un-pop (see Part 2) Only use good fonts (see Part 2) Steal like an artist (see Part 2)


HandBrake: Open Source Video Transcoder

HandBrake: Open Source Video Transcoder

Convert video from nearly any format Free and Open Source Multi-Platform (Windows, Mac and Linux)

Retrieving tabs after Chrome crash:chrome

Retrieving tabs after Chrome crash:chrome

First go to ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default and look for all the variants of current session, current tabs, last session, last tabs. You can rename last tabs (make backups first) to current tabs, and then boot chrome, and it will try to restore. Chromes tab backups are terrible. I recommend installing Fresh Start or another backup solution from the chrome web store.
chrome extention: Session Buddy
Session Buddy is a session manager for your browser that allows you to: ● See all open tabs in one place. ● Save open tabs and restore them later. Great for freeing up memory and avoiding tab clutter. ● Recover open tabs after a browser or system crash. ● Organize links by topic and find them when you need them with keyword search. ● Easily consolidate link sets and eliminate duplicates. ● Export link sets in a variety of text formats for use in email messages, documents, spreadsheets, and online posts.
chrome extention: FreshStart
*How to use Saves all your windows and tabs every minutes. Recommended: 5 minutes. Auto-saving too frequently may slow down your machine.


Functional Programming in Javascript === Garbage « Thomas Reynolds

Functional Programming in Javascript === Garbage « Thomas Reynolds

These can both be written as a reducer.
function map(f, list) {
  return reduce(function(val, sum) {
    return sum;
  }, list, []);
The reducer takes a function which can update a value sum which starts at [] and is updated once for each item in the list. Okay, that was a long lead in. Here's how you could naively implement a reducer:
function reduce(f, list, sum) {
  if (list.length < 1) {
    return sum;
  } else {
    var val = list.shift();
    return reduce(f, list, f(val, list));

Javascript in 2015 - YouTube

1. npm install -g jspm 2. cd ~/dev/jspm; jspm init 3. npm install -g live-server 4. live-server . 5. vim index.htm, add 6. vim ./lib/main.js, add import RedditApi from './Reddit-api' export default {} 7. vim ./lib/Reddit-api.js, add class RedditApi { load() { console.log('todo') } } export default new RedditApi() 8. jspm install npm:jsonp 9. jspm bundle --minify lib/main
tag: systemJS




This is a little development server with live reload capability. Use it for hacking your HTML/JavaScript/CSS files, but not for deploying the final site. ex: PORT=12345 live-server .