

Dad and Mom's Japan and Taiwan Trip 1988 v1.7

Dad and Mom's Japan and Taiwan Trip 1988 v1.7

/ This page. /ip Returns Origin IP. /user-agent Returns user-agent. /headers Returns header dict. /get Returns GET data. /post Returns POST data. /put Returns PUT data. /delete Returns DELETE data /gzip Returns gzip-encoded data. /status/:code Returns given HTTP Status code. /response-headers?key=val Returns given response headers. /redirect/:n 302 Redirects n times. /relative-redirect/:n 302 Relative redirects n times. /cookies Returns cookie data. /cookies/set?name=value Sets one or more simple cookies. /basic-auth/:user/:passwd Challenges HTTPBasic Auth. /hidden-basic-auth/:user/:passwd 404'd BasicAuth. /digest-auth/:qop/:user/:passwd Challenges HTTP Digest Auth. /stream/:n Streams n–100 lines. /delay/:n Delays responding for n–10 seconds. /html Renders an HTML Page. /robots.txt Returns some robots.txt rules. /deny Denied by robots.txt file.


Dynamic Warmup for Runners





Debounce and Throttle: a visual explanation | Drupal motion

Debounce and Throttle: a visual explanation | Drupal motion - debounce是只會fire那最後一次, throttle會regulate才每固定 n 秒 fire 一次

Use cases for debounce Use it to discard a number of fast-pace events until the flow slows down. Examples: When typing fast in a textarea that will be processed: you don't want to start to process the text until user stops typing. When saving data to the server via AJAX: You don't want to spam your server with dozens of calls per second. Use cases for throttle Same use cases than debounce, but you want to warranty that there is at least some execution of the callbacks at certain interval If that user types really fast for 30 secs, maybe you want to process the input every 5 secs. It makes a huge performance difference to throttle handling scroll events. A simple mouse-wheel movement can trigger dozens of events in a second. Even Twitter had once problems with scroll events, so learn from others mistake and avoid this easy pitfall.

Breakpoints - Chrome Developer Tools — Google Developers

Breakpoints - Chrome Developer Tools — Google Developers

Regular JavaScript Breakpoints Breakpoints in Dynamic JavaScript Pause on Next JavaScript Statement Pause on Exceptions Pause on Uncaught Exceptions Breakpoints on DOM Mutation Events -> 可以看出哪行 code 造成 dom mutation (dom removal, attribute change, subtree modification) Breakpoints on XHR -> 要看出 response 是什麼可以在 done function 加上 debugger; 然後再 console 把 response 印出來 Breakpoints on JavaScript Event Listeners