Getting started in Common Lisp on Ubuntu.
Getting started in Common Lisp on Ubuntu.
use ctrl+alt+x to evaluate
Getting started in Common Lisp on Ubuntu.
use ctrl+alt+x to evaluate
Performance Calendar » The new Twitter
URL Routing
Many people have noticed that the new brought a small change to the site’s URL structure: the introduction of a /#!/ at the front of the path. This is a simple change that most front-end engineers are already familiar with, but with huge performance savings. We can track changes in the application state using the URL, but without a new page load. We also get history and back button support in modern browsers, and can update state as the user edits the URL due to HTML5′s new hashchange event. The #! is there to comply with Google’s Ajax crawling specification, so we don’t lose out on search engine rankings with the new scheme.
» 命令行方式执行YUITest单元测试 Kejun’s Blog
YUITest Selenium driver wiki
Introducing the New YUI Test » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog)
Install Selenium-RC
Installing Selenium Server
The Selenium-RC server is simply a Java jar file (selenium-server.jar), which doesn’t require any special installation. Just downloading the zip file and extracting the server in the desired directory is sufficient.
Running Selenium Server
Before starting any tests you must start the server. Go to the directory where Selenium-RC’s server is located and run the following from a command-line console.
java -jar selenium-server.jar
Video: Nicholas C. Zakas — YUI Test
java -jar /home/chunghe/yuitest/yuitest-selenium-driver-0.5.5.jar --resultsdir /var/lib/hudson/jobs/yuitest/workspace http://localhost/yui.test.htm
我印象很深刻的是在一段YouTube的影片,是比爾蓋茲與華倫巴菲特回到校園的一段訪談,在對於如何快速升遷到高層這個問題上,他們都不約而同回答了到善於與人相處,更甚於是如何在團體前從容的演說,以及如何激發出與你共事者的績效,這是十分罕見的天份,也更是值得馬上立即培養的能力,因為未來的五六十年還是會持續需求這樣的技能。 我十分同意也很深刻感同深受他們這段的對話,我們往往希望自己再聰明一點、專業再強一點,但其實最後成長脫穎而出來的真正關鍵不會是IQ 200,而是那些看似樸實卻是更罕見的能力。 這點的確也印証在職場上,明明許多已經能力出眾的人,最後就往往在與人同事上的問題,或是溝通技巧、表達能力上限制住他在專業領域的傑出表現,在團體戰的現在,沒辦法凝聚眾人的力量完成事情的話,就會被侷限住無法更上一層樓。 另外,這也不僅只是工作,更是人生受益的技能,所以我會極力建議把相關的soft skills列為終生學習的目標。 這裡我只分享一項自己最深刻的體悟,就是學習這些技能最難的部分,不是改變別人,而是改變自己。
D:\code\js-test-driver>java -jar JsTestDriver-1.2.2.jar --port 1234 --browser "
D:\Program Files\GoogleChromePortable\GoogleChromePortable.exe"
D:\code\js-test-driver>java -jar JsTestDriver-1.2.2.jar --tests all
server: http://localhost:1234
- test/*.js
Just a quick refresher, TDD looks like this:
1. Create a test
2. Run all tests, making sure the new test fails
3. Write the minimum amount of code to make the test pass
4. Run all of the tests to ensure they pass
5. Refactor the code, making sure that the tests still pass
6. Repeat for each new code module being developed
The Effectiveness of Test Driven Development (TDD) | GrokCode