

Parallelism /= Concurrency | GHC Mutterings

Parallelism /= Concurrency | GHC Mutterings

A concurrent program is one with multiple threads of control. Each thread of control has effects on the world, and those threads are interleaved in some arbitrary way by the scheduler. We say that a concurrent programming language is non-deterministic, because the total effect of the program may depend on the particular interleaving at runtime. The programmer has the tricky task of controlling this non-determinism using synchronisation, to make sure that the program ends up doing what it was supposed to do regardless of the scheduling order. And that’s no mean feat, because there’s no reasonable way to test that you have covered all the cases. This is regardless of what synchronisation technology you’re using: yes, STM is better than locks, and message passing has its advantages, but all of these are just ways to communicate between threads in a non-deterministic language.

A parallel program, on the other hand, is one that merely runs on multiple processors, with the goal of hopefully running faster than it would on a single CPU.

So where did this dangerous assumption that Parallelism == Concurrency come from? It’s a natural consequence of languages with side-effects: when your language has side-effects everywhere, then any time you try to do more than one thing at a time you essentially have non-determinism caused by the interleaving of the effects from each operation. So in side-effecty languages, the only way to get parallelism is concurrency; it’s therefore not surprising that we often see the two conflated.

However, in a side-effect-free language, you are free to run different parts of the program at the same time without observing any difference in the result. This is one reason that our salvation lies in programming languages with controlled side-effects. The way forward for those side-effecty languages is to start being more explicit about the effects, so that the effect-free parts can be identified and exploited.
