

Peter's Blog - Archives

Peter's Blog - Archives

JavaScript Minifier that doesn't break code (in Perl)
JavaScript Template Libraries

<script language="javascript">
var data = {people:[{first:'Fred', last:'Flintstone'},
{first:'Barney', last:'Rubble'}]};
The templates that convert this data into bits of HTML are commonly stored in hidden elements in the page.

<textarea id="people_jst" style="display:none;">
{for p in people}
<li>{p.first} {p.last}</li>

<script language="javascript">
var result = TrimPath.processDOMTemplate("people_jst", data);
document.getElementById('list').innerHTML = result;

"JavaScript: The Good Parts", built-in object augmentation and namespacing
Server-Side JavaScript with Rhino and Jetty
Front-End Architecture Case Study: Blog Article Composition User Interface
JavaScript Widgets Without "this"
JavaScript Namespacing
A Bright Future for Standardized Server-Side JavaScript
