

html5 tags

structure tags: HTML 5 SECTION TAG, HTML 5 article tag, HTML 5 header tag, HTML 5 footer tag
HTML 5 a tag - use id instead of a name as anchor

In HTML 4.01, the <a> tag could be either a hyperlink or an anchor. This was determined by the href attribute. In HTML 5, the <a> tag is always a hyperlink, but if it has no href attribute, it is only a placeholder for a hyperlink.

HTML 5 has some new attributes, and some HTML 4.01 attributes are no longer supported.

name - Deprecated. Names an anchor. Use this attribute to create a bookmark in a document. Not supported. Use id instead.
ping - Space separated list of URL's that gets notified when a user follows the hyperlink. Use only if the href attribute is present

HTML 5 audio tag
<audio src="horse.wav">
Your browser does not support the audio element.

autoplay - If set to true, the audio will start playing as soon as it is ready.
controls - If set to true, the user is shown some controls, such as a play button.
end - Defines where in the audio stream the player should stop playing. By default, it plays to the end.
loopend - Defines where in the audio stream the loop should stop, before jumping to the start of the loop. Default is the end attribute's value.
loopstart - Defines where in the audio stream the loop should start. Default is the start attribute's value.
playcount - Defines how many times the audio should be played. Default is 1.
src - Defines the URL of the audio to play
start - Defines where in the audio stream the player should start playing. By default, it plays from the beginning.

autoplay - If true, then the audio will start playing as soon as it is ready
controls - If true, the user is shown some controls, such as a play button.
end - Defines where in the audio stream the player should stop playing. As default, the audio is played to the end.
height pixels Sets the height of the video player
loopend - Defines where in the audio stream the loop should stop, before jumping to the start of the loop. Default is the end attribute's values
loopstart - Defines where in the audio stream the loop should start. Default is the start attribute's values
playcount - Defines how many times the audio clip should be played. Default is 1.
poster - The URL of an image to show before the video is ready
src - The URL of the audio to play
start - Defines where in the audio stream the player should start playing. As default, the audio starts playing at the beginning.
width - pixels Sets the width of the video player
