

What's New in Internet Explorer 8

What's New in Internet Explorer 8

AJAX Enhancements
* AJAX Navigation — Client requests that do not trigger traditional Web page navigation can now update the hash property, which allows the Back button to function appropriately.
* Connection Events — Where data reliability is a priority, AJAX applications can choose to save data locally if they are disconnected from a network. See onoffline, ononline.
* Cross-document Messaging — Documents in different domains can securely exchange data using postMessage. Documents that receive messages listen for the onmessage event.
CSS Compliance
* Table Layout — For many years, tables were the preferred layout mechanism on the Internet. With Internet Explorer 8, it is now possible to apply table-style formatting to non-table elements using the display attribute. In practice, CSS tables are more permissive than HTML markup; tables created with CSS rules will nest elements to become valid, whereas tables created with HTML will close containers to avoid unexpected nesting.
* Data URI — This mechanism allows a Web page author to embed small entities directly within a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), rather than using the URI to identify a location from which to retrieve the entity. This is primarily of interest for small images (such as bullets) used within CSS or layout. See data Protocol for an example.
* Generated Content — Web page authors can render content that does not come from the document tree:
* :before and :after — In conjunction with the new content rule, authors can describe dynamic content to appear before and after most elements.
* counter-reset and counter-increment — Automatically insert numbers into your document.
* Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2. quotes — Easily insert language-dependent quote characters or smart quotes.

* outline — Enables elements to be highlighted without affecting their size. The outline is a shorthand property for outline-color, outline-style, and outline-width.

IEBlog : Introducing IE=EmulateIE7

IE8 的 相容Quirks模式 Meta Tag(X-UA-Compatible) | Tsung's Blog
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" >
* IE=5: "Quirks" mode
* IE=7: "Standards" mode
* IE=8: Internet Explorer 8 Standards mode
* IE=edge: Uses latest standards that Internet Explorer 8 and any future versions of the browser support. Not recommended for production sites.
