

Stiff asks, great programmers answer

Stiff asks, great programmers answer
Linus Torvalds: D&D "The C Programming Language", Crawford & Gelsinger’s "Programming the 80386″
Peter Norvig[Research Director at Google]: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
David Heinemeier Hansson[Author of the Rails Framework]: Extreme Programming Explained
Dave Thomas[Author of the „Pragmmatic Programmer”]: "IBM/360 Principles of Operation."
Guido Van Rossum[The Python language creator]: Neil Stephenson’s Quicksilver.
James Gosling[The Java language creator]:Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley.
Tim Bray[One of the XML and Atom specifications author]:Bentley’s Programming Pearls

Linus Torvalds: Selfish Gene by Dawkins
David Heinemeier Hansson[Author of the Rails Framework]:1984, George Orwell
James Gosling[The Java language creator]:Guns, Germs & Steel by Jared Diamond
Tim Bray[One of the XML and Atom specifications author]:One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
